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Trigger Warning: This one shot contains mentions, and a main character having, and eating disorder. If you are sensitive to this topic, please skip this one. I won't be offended. :) Hotlines for eating disorders are located at the end.


It has been three weeks since Tonic Topaz had eaten a full meal. 22 days, seventeen hours, six minutes and fifty seconds to be exact.

She was certain that that was the only way she could lose weight, and that she was severely overweight. When not eating didn't work, she decided to take it to the next level: Making herself throw up. That way, there would be no food left in her body. No food meant no fat which meant skinny.

Now, dear reader, I know that you may not understand this, but picture it this way: You're a teenage girl in a society where if you're not toothpick skinny, you're too fat. The pressures of society are going to eventually catch up to you. This is how Toni deals with them, not eating.

It started off with her feeling a little bit fat, seeing the weight on the scale at the doctors. So she skipped breakfast. No big deal; most people don't even have breakfast. Then, when the results she was looking for weren't there, Toni stopped snacking. Still, she felt fat. Not eating any meal quickly came with that.

Finally, with her not eating and vomiting, Toni had reached her ideal weight. She was still too fat, though; three percent body fat was the goal and she had ten percent.

By this point, her ribs would show if she wore a crop top. Paleness enveloped her normally tan face. Her clothes, fitting only two weeks ago, were now baggy, too loose.

Cheryl Blossom, her girlfriend, was concerned for her love, though Toni refused to talk about it with her.

The next step, obviously, was to talk to the guidance counselor about it. Cheryl gathered three friends: Betty, Jughead, and Reggie, all of whom were extremely concerned about Toni.

One tear filled meeting later, Miss Felding had scheduled Toni for an appointment to talk about this.

"Hello, Miss Topaz. Please, sit down," she greeted the pink haired girl warmly, taking note of how she could see her wrist bones.

"What's this about?" Toni asked uneasily, uncertain of why she's been called here.

"Miss Topaz, your friends and girlfriend have expressed concern at your eating habits lately," Miss Felding informed her.

Shit. Her friends had noticed.

"And why is that?" Toni wasn't the type of person to be intimidated by authority, but she was terrified in that moment of what would happen.

"Miss Topaz, you haven't eaten a meal in over three weeks according to them. In fact, several students have reported hearing you gag in the bathroom stall and then going back to class."

Everyone knew.

"I can also see your wrist bone from here. You've gotten paler, less healthy, over the last few weeks, Miss Topaz. I want to discuss this with you."

"What's there to discuss? I haven't been eating the past few weeks. I made my self throw up a couple times. Big deal. I'm fine, Miss Felding. I just want to be skinnier," Toni had tears in her eyes as she said that. She wasn't fine; self hate is never fine.

"Mmhm. That explains why you're exhibiting signs of anorexia and tearing up right now," the guidance counselor said, unmoved.

At that, the tears started falling. Nothing could stop it. "Miss Topaz, I want you to know, there is an eating disorder treatment center here in Riverdale. Your guardian has already allowed you to go there with me if you so choose. The people there are lovely and will help you get better."

"I'll go. I can't live like this anymore; I'll go," Toni sobs. Cheryl, sensing something's wrong from chem class, leaves her classroom and walks to the guidance wing where she finds Toni crying.

"Oh my God, TT, are you okay?"

"No, Cher. But I'm going to an eating disorder treatment center, and I'm going to be."



But, if you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please talk to a trusted adult about this.

You can also call 800-931-2237 or go to

Suggested by user50906314

Later loves,


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