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Bughead. Angsty because of the episode this week.


"How could you, Jughead?!" Betty Cooper yelled at her husband one quarantined day.

"Betty, I'm sorry, but-."

"No, no buts or apologies! Jughead, we have children! Little, tiny people! And you did this? You have destroyed this family! Are you satisfied now? You don't have to stay, stuck inside with us anymore!"

"I love you! You are not kicking me out of my own house, Betty Cooper! I own this house, not you! If you want to leave so badly, go! But I'm keeping the kids with me," Jughead Jones shouts back.

Betty scoffs, "You love me? Wow, great, that means so much! Especially when ten minutes ago, you hated me and our children! You have the worst temper ever and are the worst person ever to be stuck inside with! Kids, come on, we're going to Auntie Cheryl's!"

"Elizabeth Cooper! I was trying to get work done and you wouldn't leave me alone! I'm trying to support this family, and you don't seem to even care!"

"I'm sorry, are you trying to say that I don't have job?! Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third, I pay for the mortgage on this house and half of the bills, just like we agreed to do when we got married! You're living in the same world you were in high school, where you think you're going to write the next Great American novel. Well, guess what? You need to work more on your day job and start publishing it online or something because I'm not listening to your bullshit anymore!" Betty screams, so loud she's certain her neighbors can hear.

"Mommy, Daddy, stop fighting!" Christina, their youngest, shouts in tears from the top of the stairs. She is the perfect combination of her parents, but since she's only three, she doesn't really have their standing up for themselves nature. However, she is against her real name and insists on being called Chris.

"I'm saying that you don't really seem to be doing much work when you're coming into my office and bothering me while I'm working!" Jughead shouts, not hearing his child.

Luckily, their oldest, Katrina, comes down the stairs and screams, "Shut the fuck up! Get a divorce or something, but you are both scaring my baby sister! Look at her! She's crying, and so is my baby brother. So get your shit together. I'm acting like a parent right now because you two are incapable of it, clearly. Now, grow up because I'm trying to comfort four kids right now that are scared shitless because you're acting like this!"

"Katrina Jones, you do not speak to your father like that," Jughead says in a dangerous tone of voice. Katrina is seventeen and has gotten into fights before. She stands up for her siblings and friends, and does not care about the consequences.

Katrina rolls her eyes, "I'm sorry, Jughead, you're acting like a fifth grade boy. We're all going to Aunt Cheryl's and you are welcome to join us when you're done having a temper tantrum." Kat's basically the mom of the kids, and has been entertaining the kids when Betty can't.

"Thank you, Kat. I'll be there in an hour, tops," Betty nods appreciatively at her oldest, taking responsibility.

"Drew, Carter, Chris, Sav, let's go to the car! Get your masks and three things you want to bring to play with. We're going to Aunt Cheryl's," the redhead shouts up the stairs to her siblings and picks up Chris. "C'mon, baby girl. We're going to go play with Aunt Cheryl while Mommy and Daddy do this."

The children are all out the door within five minutes, as they probably respect Kat more than their parents.

"Our own children are afraid of us, Jughead. This all could've been avoided if you hadn't cheated. We're done. I'm moving into Cheryl's, since the rest of us live there. You can stay here. Keep your precious house," Betty says, voice barely above a whisper. Quarantine is showing them what their relationship really is like when they're forced to only be with each other and their children.

She packs a bag for her and each of the kids before leaving to go to Cheryl's, heartbroken.


This was angsty and probably bad but whatever.

Later loves,


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