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Everyone's 38 in this flashforward. (This is not in the same verse as Twenty Years Later, fyi.)


No One POV

Betty Cooper runs a fun household.

It doesn't resemble in the slightest hers as a child, which was very strict and no fun. Her parents wanted a perfect daughter, like her older sister, Polly.

Betty could never fool her parents that she was perfect too. She got B's, not A's, and wasn't a great liar like Polly. Good girls are just bad girls who haven't been caught yet.

Luckily, she had her brother, Charles, and her same-aged cousin, Cheryl, who were some of her few friends until high school, when she met Veronica, Archie, and Jughead.

She and Jughead fell in love, fast and hard, and their relationship was so strong that no one and nothing could break it. Believe me, people tried, like Ethel and Archie, but the pair laughed it off.

The pair got married right out of high school, and had Rachel the same year, on December 8th. She was determined to get on Broadway one day, and had had that dream since the age of two.

A year later, Kurt was born, and him and Rachel were best friends as soon as he was born. Kurt loved makeovers, fashion, and singing.

She smiled, looking at the pictures of her family on the wall.

"Momma B! You're out of toilet paper!" Blaine, her son's boyfriend of three years, shouted from the upstairs bathroom, pulling her away from her thoughts.

"Dude, you know where it's stored!" She responds, rolling her eyes. "I think Puck's outside!"

"I'll get it!" Quinn shouts from Rachel's room, and Betty laughs. Of course the entire Glee club would be here, it was a weekend after all.

"Daddy!" Beth shouts from her highchair when she sees Noah Puckerman enter the house. Betty and Jughead had adopted her after Quinn birthed her three years ago so that the pair could have a relationship with their daughter, even if they didn't think they were fit to raise her.

"Hello there, Beth. Have you been a good girl today?" He asks, smiling at his perfect daughter.

"Yes! I want you to tuck me in tonight!" She exclaims in her adorable baby way, with her dirty blonde hair blue eyes.

"If that's okay with Mommy, than I'll do that, princess," Puck promises, giving his girlfriend a kiss.

"I think that that'll be okay," Quinn smiles, laughing. She's one of Rachel's best friends, even though she hadn't always been the nicest girl.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Betty jokes when the couple start making out. Yep, this is her house. Live, full of activity, and loud. And full of teenagers.

"I gotta go! Mercedes is having a boy problem!" Kurt and Blaine shout, throwing on their shoes.

"Don't get anyone pregnant or die!" Betty shouts from the kitchen, her standard goodbye.

"Babe, I'm home!" Jughead greets her with a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey. I'm not sure what's going on here, but everyone's coming over in ten minutes." Betty reminds her husband of the party they're having tonight. They actually planned it tonight, so everyone's dressing up a little.

"That's no different than our house every night, so alright."

Cheryl Blossom never thought this would be the way her life would turn out, but alas, it was.

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