Moving On

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Bughead AU that's depressing and features some Barchie. You have been warned.


On January 7th, 2017, Archibald Andrews was pronounced dead of a bear attack. He was only fifteen at the time of his death, and was outlived by his girlfriend, best friend, and side chick. All of whom were best friends and crushed indescribably when he died. But no one took it as badly as Betty Cooper.

She couldn't get out of bed for three weeks straight, she only went to the bathroom. No meals for three weeks, but she did snack. There was chocolate and fruit in her room at most times, along with a crying friend.

It took two months for her to go to therapy, and she did all of sophomore year online. She knew, better than anyone, that Archie was the one for her, but she also realized he'd want her to move on and be happy.

In her junior year, when Betty came back to school, she was practically unrecognizable. Before, she'd been a slightly bitter kid who was an average teenager. But, now, she'd decided to shed all that for happiness, a fake aura of happiness. She was the nice kid who would also punch you in the nose if she had to, so no one underestimated her at all.

By senior year, she was finally ready to move on from him. Everything wasn't about him to her anymore, and though she clearly remembered him and sometimes the grief struck her badly.

How she moved on wasn't that different than the way others did, she caught feelings for someone who didn't like her back. And the only reason she knew was because he had a girlfriend.

Jughead Jones, one of her best friends, probably the boy she was closest to, dating her best friend. Veronica, the side chick I was talking about earlier, she was her actual best friend, was his boyfriend. And no, Betty did not know about the affair Archie was having at his time of death. That was how it was staying, if Veronica had any say in the way things happened at that school.

Betty decided to get up all of her nerve one day and ask her gorgeous friend out, or at least tell him how she felt. Luckily, they'd decided to ditch school that day, so she had him meet her at Pop's.

As soon as he came into the restaurant, she smiled and waved him over. All Betty could think about was his perfect body, and beautiful hair.

"Alright, look, I'm just going to say this, and you're not allowed to interrupt me until I tell you you can talk. I like you, a lot. And I know you're with Veronica, but I can't stop thinking about you, ever. I've tried, believe me, to push aside these feelings, but it didn't work. Your beautiful smile that makes me stop breathing for a second, your award winning eyes, your hair, you. I like you. Archie would want me to be happy, but I don't want you to think I'm manipulating you into liking me too. So tell me, Juggie, do you like me too? Because if you don't, I need to know right now. And if you do, I need to know even sooner. And if you don't know, I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to react."

A pitying look appears on Jughead's face before he looks at his phone. On the screen, there was a picture of Veronica and Reggie in the locker room that Fangs sent to him. "You know what, fuck it. I like you too, Betty. But I'm with Veronica, who's cheating on me. So, yes, I like you too. I just don't know how to dump her. Over text seems to work."

As he fires off a text to his now ex girlfriend, Betty smiles. "So, does this mean that you and I are going to try this dating thing?"

"Yes, yes it does."


Ihnc what I'm doing here and there's no inspiration. Also, if you have a crush on someone, shoot your shot.

Later loves,


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