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If you've never seen the season three episode "Big Fun" or "Heathers" musical episode, then I've provided the link to the song. This is not from the show, but focused on #Bughead, like 90% of these. In my mind, Choni started making out and what's happening here is what Bughead was doing.


*No one's POV* 

Jughead gets down on one knee towards the end of the random musical number that was happening because Betty wanted to hear him sing, and after they sings about how they want to be normal seventeen year olds, ya know, stopping their investigations that, from what we've collected, are the town's law enforcement, and grabbing a black, velvet box from his back pocket. (A/N: I Can't help myself! I sound like an Alex Meyers video, but whatever.)

"Jug, what are you doing? Didn't we just sing about being normal seventeen year olds?" Betty questions, suddenly stopping in the middle of her theatrics.

"I know, but I can't imagine my life with anyone else. When we reconnected that day in Pop's, with Veronica and Archie, I suddenly saw my future in front of me. We are endgame, and if we get married unusually early, so what? Betty, I've loved you ever since I met you, I'll love you for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" Jughead asks, slightly nervous but confident- at least, he thinks he is- that she'll say yes.

"Yes, yes, yes, Jug! I love you! Oh my God, I have to go tell V! Fuck being normal seventeen year olds, let's get married," Betty says as he slides the ring on her left hand's ring finger.

"Someone's excited to be engaged," he teases, laughing.

"Shut up and go tell... I don't know. Someone not in a cult?" Elizabeth suggests, laughing as she takes out her phone and taps on the option to Face Time Veronica.

"Hey B, what's up- HOLY SHIT IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?! JUGHEAD, WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK MY PERMISSION?" she screams excitedly, faking anger towards Jughead for not telling her.

"IT IS! I'M ENGAGED! (A/N: Betty and Alice have an odd relationship, and Falice is together in this.)" I scream along with her.

"Forsythe Pendelton Jones the third, why was I not consulted before you made this ring? I have perfect taste and should know when my B's getting engaged." Veronica stubbornly asks, faking anger.

"Because your taste would have left me without money. I kind of have to pay for a wedding now, so in order to do that, I need the money you didn't spend on my proposal and probably a job," Jug says, getting laughed at by the girls.

"Sorry, True Crime Detective, Leader of Southside Serpents, our generation's James Patterson, I don't think you need a job. It might get in the way a little too much," Betty teases her fiance. Fiance. She can't get over that word. While husband would be better, fiance will have to do for now.

"Well, Nancy Drew, fellow leader of the Serpents, and our generation's Aubrey Hepburn, I don't exactly think you need a job either." Juggie teases Betty, giving her a slow, passionate kiss on the lips.

"Clearly, I should look away. I matter!" Ronnie shouts, causing the lovers to pull away.

"I have to tell Choni, so do you two need anything from them?" Betty asks cautiously, aware that they're a bit of a source of tension within the group.

"I don't need anything, and don't leave me with Jughead. I already interrogated him. You two are perfect for each other," Veronica says, almost wistfully.

"Thank you for  doing that. I'm going to call Choni, have fun with Reggie- but not too much fun, got it?" Betty says in a sort of intimidating voice, not the one she used when she was in the Sisters.

"Betty! Speaking of him, I have to go. Come to my speakeasy at 7 tonight. Dress fancy. Love you," Veronica says as Reginald enters the frame.

"Love you too, V. See you at 7. Bye, nugget,"  Betty says, ending the call. "Siri, call Cheryl."

When the first ring is not even halfway through, Toni answers the call, saying, "Hey Betty, what's up?"

"Can you put Cheryl on? Actually, can you have her Face Time me? I have to show her something, and don't really want to take a picture." the newly engaged blond says, smiling uncontrollably.

"Sure... Give me a minute. Cheryl! Babe, I need you in here!" Toni shouts, presumably into the hallway.

"What's up, TT? Wait, Betty's on the phone? Switch it to Face Time," the Blossom girl says, well, more demands, but whatever. The narrator had an entire day of standardized testing, and so I'm exhausted.

As soon as the phone call switches to Face Time, Betty puts the ring in front of the camera, earning a scream from both of the girls.

"OH MY GOD, COUSIN! HE FINALLY PROPOSED! Now you really are Bride of Hobo. That reminds me, Jughead, if you hurt my cousin, I will kill you," the red-haired girl says when she recovers from the shock and screaming.

"I don't intend on hurting her, Cheryl. No need to prepare your arrows, unless you want to join the Sepents again. We're changing the initiation from that weird as hell strip tease that left me deeply disturbed, to something more simple and easier. Not to mention, less sickening," Jug says, smiling at the camera.

"Jones, this is not the time for that. Calm down, I'm not going to be joining again, at least not right now. This is a celebration, not a business deal," the artificially pink-haired girl says, rolling her eyes. "Betty, how do you deal with him?"

"I don't know sometimes, Toni." Betty smirks at Jughead, and soon the couples forget that they're on Face Time with each other and unholy things happen.


I'm FUCKING TIRED!! It's 3:29 pm EST, and I'm dead inside. Turns out, mind numbing standardized tests have a way of doing that to a person. Shoutout to SirCharsALot for listening to me complain all day.

Anyways, should I watch the few episodes I have left of Riverdale or no because Alex Meyers already told me all I need to know.

Later loves,


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