Ex's and Oh's

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Six months ago, they broke up. It wasn't a miscommunication or anything, he cheated on her. Or rather, tried to cheat on her but got caught. He was never the brightest, that was a fact she knew from the beginning. Of course, she never expected him to be like this; all angry and moody and acting more like Jughead. That wasn't who this was; this was Archie and Veronica didn't know this Archie. 

Archie Andrews, the boy next door to Betty Cooper. He was always a bit dumb as his GPA and average was concerned. On the football field, however, he was a genius. Calling plays and other things she didn't understand, he was the best. Archie was very fond of football, as opposed to homework or studying. 

Veronica Lodge, rich daddy's girl who had moved here from Manhattan the summer before sophomore year. Now seniors, Veronica and Archie had a very turbulent on again, off again relationship. They either loved each other with their entire hearts or hated each other and would refuse to interact with each other. For now, however, it was a hatred. A hatred that she knew she could keep up for years, decades even. If there was one thing Veronica was not, it was a forgiving person. She's had a hatred for things such as bright colors since she was two, and wears them almost never. 

This Andrews boy, however, he was making her want to cave and punch him at the same time. He had some way that he could make her forget about how much she hated him when he smiled. Apparently, this is life. 

"B, I cannot stand him! He's moody and stupid and acting like he's some God who's never done anything wrong in his entire life just because he plays football and every woman falls in love with him the second that she sees him," Veronica complains one day at lunch. It was a nice late winter day, with some snow that refused to leave sticking around. That didn't stop them from eating outside, however. Outdoor dining was something they were accustomed to and did daily. 

Betty rolls her eyes at her friend, who has, fifty times today, complained about her ex boyfriend. "You two broke up six months ago, V. He might have moved on in that time; he did cheat on you after all. Do you think that Archie Andrews is the type to actually settle down with someone? He's not, but you knew that the minute that you found out about him, that he would cheat on anyone."

Sadly, Betty's not wrong. One of the first things you learned about Archie Andrews when you were new to Riverdale High is that he dates anyone and everyone. It's despicable behavior, but he's allowed to get away with it because he has a penis and because he's always winning football games. That's given him a god complex that is just another good reason for Veronica to hate him. 

"Ronnie," Jughead, Betty's boyfriend and Archie's best friend, says, "There are plenty of other terrible men that'll break your heart out there. Archie's just a little bit confused about how relationships work."

Jughead, always the devil's advocate. "A bit confused? Can you name a single girl that got an once of devotion out of him? He makes them fall in love with him and then he leaves them to go date his new flavor of the month. I was just stupid enough to believe that this time, he would have learned not to cheat."

Archie walks out of the cafeteria to the bleachers, where the group is sitting. Football practice has apparently already started, and that means Veronica can't shout about how much she hates him. "Hey Jug, Kevin, Cheryl, Betty, Veronica," the redhead waves. Though they're not technically close anymore, the rest of them do consider him a friend. 

"Does he think he can just wave to us like nothing happened? Like he didn't cheat and that everything's back to normal?" Veronica can feel herself getting louder and louder with each word. She's infuriated and infatuated with him. 

Cheryl's the only one who feels like responding to him anymore, or hating him. "He's infuriating, I'll give you that. You just fell in love with him, time and time again, knowing how it would end. The saga of Veronica and Archie isn't over, you and I know it."

Sadly, Cheryl isn't wrong. Veronica still loves him, somehow, and wants him back. "Oh no, I kknow that look," Kevin exclaims. "You are not going to get back together with him, Veronica Lodge. This is the last of your breakups with him. We need to pick you some better men."

"You do remember dating a dude who shanked Archie and used you for access to your dad's sheriff materials for Jason's death, right?" Cheryl asks him, genuinely wanting an answer. 

She receives a glare while Archie walks up the bleachers, smiling. That damned smile would make Veronica cave. Kevin notices first and looks at the rest of them before smiling at Veronica. "So, your ex is-."

"Right here," Archie says, coming up from behind him. Ugh, why does he have to look so cute in his letter jacket? It's completely unfair; she's trying to hate him!

Jughead is the first to speak, "What's up, Arch?" Curse his ridiculously tight fitting t-shirt that shows off his abs. Put a hex on it.

The Andrews boy smiles, "I just felt like talking to Ronnie." No, no, no, no, Veronica, look away and focus on something or someone else. You're going to cave if you don't.

A dramatic sigh comes out of the raven haired girl before she says, "Men. They're all pigs and disgusting creatures. Oh, hello, Archie."

"Hello, Veronica. Can we talk?" 

Betty answers for her, "So that you can make her fall even more in love with you and then break her heart again by cheating? I think not."

For that statement alone, she earns a glare from Veronica before Cheryl continues, "As my cousin was saying, we do not condone cheating at this establishment. And last I checked, Archibald, you were still into Valerie, were you not?"

"Val and I broke up two weeks ago," he counters, still staring at Veronica. "I promise I'm not going to ask her out."

A laugh escapes Kevin, "Oh please, you and everyone else here knows that one way or another you two will end up back together if one of you looks at the other. Why stop the clearly doomed from the start relationship? It's not like we've got any power in this situation at all."

"Kevin's right. If Veronica would like to speak with Archie, why stop it? Just please go somewhere with a lock and soundproofing if you're going to fuck," Jughead answers for her, finally. 

Someone got the correct answer here. "Yes, Archie, I'll go talk to you. And Jughead, get your head out of the gutter!"


Well, I'm back! Sorry I wasn't updating, nothing would post and this was the first decent thing I could come up with. 

Later loves,


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