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Bughead. Minor Polly×Jason, but they're not cousins in this one.


Quarantine only started a day ago and I'm already done with it completely. Jughead can't come over because he's in the bunker, Polly is trying to teach me Tik Tok dances, and my damn Disney+ won't work so I can't binge Austin and Ally. My mother is losing her mind over this, though. Yesterday, she bought so much stuff that it barely fits into the house. And now I have seven months of pads stowed away in my closet. That's going to be fun to explain to my friends when they come over. Oh, and when Mom's not losing it, she's doing the deed with FP. Loudly.

"Come on, Betty. Just because your depressed and lonely doesn't mean that you can't do something! We don't have to do any work until God knows when, with everyone flipping out over the Coronavirus. Let's go to the park or something, it's a beautiful day outside," Polly says, dressed already in a light purple dress. I can't argue with it being nice out today; it's 67° according to my phone and no one's going to be out. Am I actually considering doing this? Guess I am. Maybe Jug will be at the park too; or I can distract Polly so I can go to the bunker to bring him home. After all, everyone know he's not dead. I'm the only one who knows where he is, though.

"Okay, I'll go to the park. But after that, I'm going to go look for Jughead. You can go to Jason's or something, I don't really care. But you are not allowed to follow me or get sick. I'll text Mom that we're going out. We probably don't have long, but I also have to check on Archie. He's probably with V, actually. Never mind then, I don't need to see that. I'd say to bring JB, but she's God knows where," I shoo Polly out of my room and start rummaging through my closet for a cute but basic outfit, finally deciding on the white cropped hoodie and a pair of dark wash jeans. My brush tames my hair, and I'm too lazy to actually do makeup, so I throw on my shoes, grab my phone, and race out the door.

Polly has decided we're walking instead of driving to the park, so we have a nice conversation on the way there. It's full of sisterly gossip I've been missing, and by the time we arrive, I want desperately to continue our conversation. "Well, I'm going to go see Jason. I'll meet you at home in an hour, sis," Polly says instead.

"Okay, I'll go try to find Jughead. Text me with any developments," I smile, looking in the direction of the bunker. We hug goodbye before going our separate ways, her to Jason's and me to the bunker. It's a ten minute walk, but I've been missing my boyfriend, so I run there, halving the time.

I enter the bunker to find him sitting by the desk and the faint smell of raw fish. "Babe, did you have sushi without me?"

He turns around, smiling widely at me. "How the hell did you get Alice to let you out of the house, my future wife?"

"I texted her and then Polly and I left. She's with Jason again, but we need to get you home," I insist.

"But first, a kiss," Jug argues, pulling me down to his lap so we can kiss.

"I love you," we both say at the same time.


I literally have no ideas, so someone please comment something because I'm not sure how much longer I can go without inspiration.

Later loves,


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