Kevin Rights

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RANT: Writers of Riverdale, GIVE MY BEAN KEVIN A GOOD STORYLINE!!!!!!!!! The poor kid, he has to get romantic partners from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy or ones that refuse to date him or ones that are in a cult!

I, along with many other fans, just want the poor child to be happy! But how can he be happy when he's unable to blossom into his true self, without getting a shitty storyline that was kinda just thought about at the last second.

Give Kevin a suitable partner. One that's not in a cult. One that's not a serial killer. One that's not a criminal. One that's not a fan of G&G. One that isn't using him. One that isn't at conversion therapy.

^. That's something I never thought I'd have to type.

Joaquin, he's out. Mainly cause he's dead. And he wasn't the right match for Kevin anyways.

Moose, or Marmaduke, he's out. He was ashamed of being gay, and being with Kevin.

Fangs, he's out. He's being brainwashed by a cult, which is also using him.

Archie, he's out. Mainly because, ya know, Varchie. And Kevin is too precious for Archie, though I love him.

Jughead, OUT. Bughead and Sprousehart forever.

All his random woods hookups? Out. None of them have a steady relationship with him.

Who would be good with my baby, Kevin, you ask?



But if Riverdale introduces a new character as the romantic interest for Kevin, who isn't a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist, etc, and the fandom approves, then yes, we are willing to have this happen.

While we're developing out gbf™(gay best friend)'s character, let's give him more screentime, a true arc. Kevin just kind of goes wherever he's needed, clearly depressed. Betty and Veronica friend dumped him, he can't keep a man, and the principal is bullying him.


Someone call Riverdale and get this to happen.

Low-key don't credit me tho.

Anyways, that's all for this one. We needed to take minute and appreciate Kevin.

Later loves,


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