Tik Tok

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This is how you know I have Tik Tok. Bughead.


Betty Cooper was a dancer, a Tik Tok dancer at that. She was pretty famous, too, with 50 million followers.

Jughead Jones was the exact opposite of a Tik Tok boy, he was an e-boy. Everyone had heard of him, however, because he, too, was on Tik Tok and famous with 30 million followers.

The two never planned to cross paths, since they didn't live anywhere near each other. Betty had grown up on the west coast, going to her dance and acting classes on the weekends. Jughead had grown up on the east coast, always drinking Dunkin' Donuts and was used to having woods to explore.

Except, one day, they did meet. Fans had been shipping the two since they began following each other and so they decided that, as a publicity thing, they would "date." In all honesty, they knew something would come from it, something real.

Very quickly, Betty and Jughead or "Bughead" to the fans, became best friends. They were the only ones who understood each other's minds and truly enjoyed hanging out together.

But, of course, Jughead had to join the New Englanders and start ignoring her. He got a nose ring, started parting his hair in the center, got a chain for his pants, dyed his dirty blonde hair pitch black, and stopped wearing color. That included his beanie.

Betty got concerned for him, so, despite advice not to, she flew across the country to Massachusetts, where he was. She refused to let him change who he was, and only part of that was because she maybe definitely probably had a crush on him.

The Cooper girl had always been good at sleeping on planes, but this time, she couldn't. She was too worried about how he would react to seeing her at his house, unannounced to sleep. Thank God for her Starbucks keeping her somewhat alive.

"Eli, we've landed," Polly, her sister said, shaking her gently. Polly was the only person who could call her Eli (pronounced Ellie) and not get yelled at.

Betty sighed tiredly, hopping off the plane slowly. It took thirty minutes to get out of the airport, and even longer to get to Jughead's house. So she had quite a bit of time to overthink her trip.

By the time the Uber pulled up in front of his house, Betty was regretting going on this trip in general. But it was too late, he'd already walked out of the house. So, she thanked the Uber driver, grabbed her suitcase, and left the car.

He was worse than she remembered, a tattoo visible on his wrist. For God's sakes, he had those hoop earring you only see on e-boys or basic girls. "Betty?" Jughead asked as she was taking in his new look.

"What the hell?" She asked, still taking all of this in. She'd been looking at his Tik Tok lately but nothing this insane had been happening. This all happened within two days, and that was terrifying.

"I discovered myself, Betts," he argued her judgemental look.

Betty scoffed, "Found yourself? Juggie, this is not you. You changed so much within two weeks that I don't recognize you anymore! What did you do to your gorgeous hair and body?"

"You calling me hot, Coop?" Jughead smirked.

"No, I'm calling you an idiot. You're hot, sure, but this is not you, at least not the you I knew. And I know you well, so why did you do this?"


"What the hell? Did you think I'd like this? Jughead, this is the worst! I can't believe I like you because look at what you did in the two weeks since I've seen you. For God's sakes, you probably have a gold chain under your layers of no color! You don't have your beautiful beanie!" Betty ranted quickly.

"You like me?" Jughead asked, walking towards the blonde.

"Oh shit, did I say that out loud? Yeah, I guess I do. But you can't expect me to like this Jughead. He's not the one I know, and I don't like him." Betty sighed, mentally kicking herself for saying that.

"I did this because you told me things you liked in guys," he admitted.

"I- I would like some of it but all of this is hard to digest. I don't want you to change yourself, especially not for me!"

"Yeah, I guess that was pretty stupid." Jughead smiled. There was only a few inches of space between them by this point.

They closed that space by kissing.


I have a Tik Tok now lol.

Later loves,


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