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Okay, so I know that I promised y'all a one shot today, but I'm incredibly tired and in the mood to rant about Riverdale, so sorry.

I don't even watch the show anymore; it's gotten just too weird. I love it, of course, but I rarely watch an actual episode. Most of the time, I just figure out what happened from YouTube and the subreddit. Season 4 was the breaking point for me, and I just can't deal with everything happening in Riverdale anymore. There's Cheryl eating Julian in the womb (how do they know that she did it, not Jason?), Betty being a junior FBI agent somehow, Chic and Charles dating, Archie running a community center and getting into gang fights, Hermosa, Hiram and Veronica fighting... again, Jughead probably being dead, Alice doing God knows what, and just everything.

Now that I think about it, I never actually finished season three. It got to the point where I was like, "Oh my God, please stop this and go back to season 1 already!" I know season four is supposed to be more like it, but it's honestly not doing it for me.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Later loves,


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