Romeo and Juliet

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BUGHEAD!!! I can't say anything else because that would spoil the whole one-shot and that would be hella depressing.


Betty PoV

Oh no. This is not happening. We're too young; 25 to be exact! Jughead and I just got married. There cannot be a-

"B? I'm here." Veronica shouts, entering the house. Thank God for my best friend; she lives next door with her two children, Maya and Isabella, my godchildren. The kiddos are at school today, so she was able to come over at the drop of a hat.

"In the bedroom!" I shout, though I'm going to assume the door muffled my voice. This is not happening. 

"I brought tests. How are you holding up?" my best friend says, engulfing me in a hug. She knows what I'm going through.

"I'll be better when I know the results of these tests. C'mon, let's go make me pee on a stick. I've been holding it all day." I say, leading her to the en suite bedroom.

"B, even if these tests say that you're--" V starts before I interrupt her.

"V, I don't know what I want to do! I mean, yes, I want kids, so does Jug, but we're so young! I mean, we have our whole lives ahead of us. I don't know what to do. That's why I called you." I say, pulling down my pants to go pee.

"It's easier if you pee into a cup and then dip the tip of the stick in there. Here you go," Veronica says, handing me a plastic cup.

"I feel like this is a drug test, peeing into a cup. Even though I know that this one is a very different and much more important." I say, taking the cup and releasing the pee into there until it overflows, which is when I send it to V.

"Gross! B, you know I love you, but that's nasty! I don't need to touch your pee." V says, scrunching her nose before carefully placing the cup on the sink.

"Can you put the tests in instead of me? I'm too nervous to find out the results." I say, pacing the bathroom anxiously. 

"Sure, but you do know, no matter what, even if these tests say that you're-" she starts before I cut her off midsentence.

"Don't even say the word. I mean, am I even fit to take on such a huge responsibility? I see how you and Archie do it, and I don't think I can. I'm not fit to be a-" 

"Yes, you are. B, you need to calm down. (A/N: TS VIBES! You need to calm down, you're being too loud!)" she interrupts, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"How much time until we get the results?" I ask, resuming my paces. I need answers, then logical thinking can happen.

"About three more minutes," she says as I audibly groan. 

"You're kidding me! I'm about to have a panic attack over this, and the damn test won't give me results for three fucking minutes?" I groan, pulling on my hair.

"It's only two minutes now. Betty, calm down! You have choices, and Jug will love you no matter what." V assures me, pulling me into a comforting hug.

"I just don't know what to do. I mean, I've always wanted them, but this young? I need to know the answers and then will rationally think." I say into her shoulder.

"It's okay, B. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Jughead won't want to put you through anything you don't want. You know that," she says confidently; not a shred of doubt in her voice.

"Is it time yet?" I ask quietly, and V pulls away slightly to look at her phone.

"Do you want to flip them or me?" she asks, looking at her phone.

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