Love Letters

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The one where Bughead write love letters to each other.


Dear Jughead,

        It's been way too long since I've seen your face, heard your voice, or kissed you. I know that your job is important, but I miss you more than I knew possible.

         I have very important news for you when you get back home, and I think it will pleasantly surprise you. It's life changing news, and you need to come home to know what it is.

          How long until you can return to Riverdale? Everyone here misses you so much, and we all hope you will get home soon.

I love you,



Dear Betty,

        I agree, it's been much too long since we have seen or talked to each other. But our country depends on me not seeing you every day, waking up to your beautiful face. Sadly.

       I have, however, talked to my commander, and he said that I am being discharged in two months, on the 27th of April. This is a permanent discharge, so it's my last stint in the army forever.

       I want to know your news, truly, but it is my job to protect our country, especially you. I won't be able to access a phone until the 27th either, so sadly, you would have to either write the news, or wait until I return home to tell me what it is. Either way, I'm okay.

I love you,



Dear Jughead,

       You and that damn military job. I'll remind you that you're the one who wanted it, not me. And now the both of us are being punished for it because we're not going to be able to see each other's faces for two months. I know your work is important, but so is being home. You have a family here, Jug. Me, your parents, our friends, the Serpents.

      I'm happy that you're coming home, for the final time, but is it really the final time? Can you really settle down? You said that last time was the final, and keep saying that. I'm holding you to it this time, because otherwise, you'll go off again.

You'll just have to wait until you come home to hear the news, I suppose. Writing it in a letter just doesn't seem like a fun way to tell you, and this is joyous news.

I love you,



Dear Betty,

       I know that I keep saying that it's the last time, but I swear on my life, it's really the last tour I'll ever be on. Unless a war starts and they have to draft people. But I highly doubt that that'll happen.

       My job, which keeps you safe, is something I wanted to do. You know that better than anyone. Our "punishment" is that we can't speak to each other, or see each other every day. I hate that about my job, but it's my dream to be a hero, Betty. This was the easiest way to do it.

       Of course I can settle down, and I will. It's only a month until I get home, and when I do, we'll find a real job for me, and start OUR family.

I love you,



Dear Jughead,

       Three weeks to the day until you come home, and it's hell without you here. I know that you mean it, that you'll actually stay in Riverdale this time, but I can't help but worry.

      I wish that you could just hurry up and get here already, so I could attack you with kisses, and tell you the news. We're planning a party for your return, so you better be back on time.

     If time doesn't speed up, I'm going to lost my mind. Hurry up and get here already, April 27th!

I love you,



Jughead had a surprise that he wasn't going to tell anyone about. His discharge date had been moved up, to April 7th, which just happened to be Betty's birthday.  Of course, he had played a slight role in this, considering that the army had extended his stay without telling him and he could sue.

He got off the plane and into an Uber, instructing the driver to take him home. Right before his most recent tour, Betty and him had bought a house together. The army paid for half of it, and they paid the other half.

Walking into the house, he smiled effortlessly. He was back home, with his wife, family.

"Whoever's there, I should warn you, I do not have the energy to fight you off with a baseball bat and nothing in this house is worth stealing," Betty warned, walking down the stairs with a frying pan. She dropped it out of surprise when she saw who it was. "Ju-ju-Juggie?"

"I'm home, baby. For good," he smiled and she ran into his arms, attacking him with kisses before finally settling on his lips. The two engaged in a passionate kiss.

Breaking away, and mentally cursing the need for oxygen humans have, Jughead smiled at his wife. "So, what's the surprise?"

"I was going to have a party to tell you and everything, Jones!" The blonde protests, before telling him. "I'm pregnant."


Autumnal flowers

Later loves,


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