You're Lying!

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Varchie troubles. :( Veggie? Stop trying to get it out of me and just read.


Veronica POV

"Are you okay, Archiekins?" I ask my boyfriend one day while we were at La Bonné Nuit.

"Yeah, just a little distracted," he says, grabbing his phone. When I look over at it, he tilts it away from me.

"What the hell? Give me the phone," I demand. Seriously, does he need to be that secretive? We've never had a problem with showing each other our phones before.

"Stop, Veronica! This is personal!" He shouts, and I death glare my boyfriend.

"What is so personal you can't tell me?" I ask, dumbfounded. Seriously, does it take hypnosis to get this out of him?

"It's something I'm not proud of, okay? And I don't feel like sharing it," Archie lies. That's it. I grab his phone, and see a text I never wanted to see.

Josie: Had a great time last week. ;). When can we meet up again, babe?

"Ronnie! Give me my phone! You're invading my personal space!" Arch yells at me and I roll my eyes.

"You cheated on me? With Josie?" I shout at him, staring at his phone.

"You're being so jealous, Veronica. I got drunk and some things went down between the two of us, okay?" He holds up his hands.

"What do you mean, I'm being jealous? You hooked up with her, Arch. A week after we got together!" I scream.

"Chill, Ronnie. I don't see the big deal. I like both of you, so instead of deciding, I decided, why not date both of you?" Archie defends himself, moving closer to me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Archie, we're done. Get. Out. Of. Here," I declare, tears threatening my eyes. No, Veronica Luna, do not let him know he hurt you.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asks, dumbfounded.

"Yes, I am. Now get out of my establishment," I demand, pointing towards the door. No weakness.

"Fine. I like her better anyways," Arch lies, walking out the door.

As soon as the door closes, I start crying. He cheated on me. With one of my friends. I can't believe this.

"Hey Veronica, I got-" Reggie enters the room with boxes of something, but puts them down when he sees I'm crying.

"What came in?" I sniffle, trying to remain businesslike.

He's clearly not fooled. "Doesn't matter. What's wrong?"

"Ar-arc-arch-archie cheated on me," I start before I'm reduced to sobs.

"Hey, it's okay, Ronnie. You'll get through this, I know you will," Reg assures me, pulling me in for a hug.


This is a time that the kitty tear emoji summarizes my emotions better than I do about this.

I'm really bored.

Later loves,


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