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Bughead because I have no clue what I'm doing anymore.


Betty, as a hot seventeen year old cheerleader in Riverdale, often had to say the word no. To boys who she didn't want to date, to creepy old guys, to sleepover offers, to a lot of things.

She was the golden girl; the perfect girl next door. The height of perfection in Riverdale, a town that, in her eyes, was missing that. 

Except for one person: Jughead Jones. He was the only thing in this town that could keep her there, with his crown beanie and foolishly good looks which rivaled her boyfriend of the week's. It didn't matter that he was the school loner; he was the only one in Riverdale that got what it felt like to not want to be in that hellhole of a town.

The pair were the best of friends, but never dated. Betty wanted to ask him out, but somehow, she never got up the nerve. She was worried about wrecking everything that they had, and her relationship with the most important person in her life. Betty always asked out the guys she dated, but this would be the one exception to the rule.

Jughead had revealed to her the other day that he had a crush on someone; she was a cheerleader, gorgeous, funny, had the best laugh, made everyone smile, was popular, and was momentarily single. This girl he described was brave, fearless, kind, perfect. It couldn't have been her; Betty knew she had flaws. She didn't point them out, but she knew she had them.

"How do you ask someone out you like, but who never accepts getting asked out and always asks people out instead?" He had asked her while they were at Monet's, having their afternoon caffeine.

"It depends on the girl. Does she seem like she would want a Glee remake or does she seem like she would be in a house on Tik Tok?" She answered, completely serious with the question.

"Instagram model, Quinn Fabray level Tik Tok house, and a Chloë Rice level cheerleader," Jughead responded, using their ranking system that no one else can detect. Well, people probably can, but it's their way to figure it out.

"Goddamn; is she a crackhead energy? Would she pass a vibe check?" Betty asked. This girl doesn't seem like she would.

"Not in the bad Quinn way, but sure, a little crackhead energy sometimes. She'd pass a vibe check," the beanie-wearing teenager responded.

"Is she a Boyle or a Rosa?" The bleached-blonde teenager asked. This girl is bad news if Jug's this serious about her, she thinks.

"She's a Jake, Rosa, Gina mix," The Jones boy responded. That's odd, Betty thinks, I told him once that that's how I am for Brooklyn Nine Nine characters.

"TV character that matches her personality?" Betty asked. This is all critical information to finding out how Jughead should ask out this girl.

"Oh God, she's better than the characters I can think of, Betts," puppy-dog eyes appeared on Jughead's face. He's really serious about this girl, and Betty doesn't like that.

"What's her aesthetic then?" Betty asked, keeping her voice even. She wants to tell him that she wants him to ask her out, not this girl.

"It changes weekly, but last time I checked, it was teal," Jughead replied, smiling fondly. Betty's aesthetic that week was teal as well. What a strange coincidence.

"Betty! Jughead's here!" Polly, her older sister, called from downstairs. Betty quickly checked her makeup and outfit for flaws, finding no flaws she raced out the door.

Butterflies were in the younger sister's stomach as she saw the handsome boy's face while he was waving from the truck he drove.

She quickly hopped into the passenger side, taking the music over. "No, not today, Betty. Today, I am leading us on an adventure, and that includes music," Jughead informs her.

"You let me dress in a crop top and skirt without telling me we're going on an adventure? Asshole," Betty groans.

"I'd be offended but you would've worn that anyways, Cooper," Jughead sighs, driving to the lake. "I promise you'll like where we're going."

"We're going to the damn lake? I didn't bring a swimsuit!"

"We're just going to hang out on the sand, chill. Your sweatshirt is in the back, by the way."

When the pair finally arrive at the lake, they see that not much is going on there besides some fishers. It's unseasonably warm for April, so Betty doesn't put her sweatshirt on, but takes it with her. Jughead leads her to their spot; it's where they always go on the beach.

Betty sits down as she normally does, noting that Jughead looks nervous but deciding not to comment on it.

"Okay, so, don't hate me, but I like you. As more than a friend. You're the girl I was talking about the other day. And so I guess I'm asking if you like me back?" Jughead nervously asks her.

A smile instantly appears on Betty's face as she kisses him. When they pull apart, she flirts, "Does that answer your question, Juggie?"

"I guess so, but I might need another for confirmation," he flirts back.


Y'all got any ideas? Bc I don't

Later loves,


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