I Love You

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Though these could never too the show's, I had to write a love letter today for a school assignment, and am now making a Bughead group chat one shot. (The school assignment was from a rake to a shovel, and shout-out to... He don't have Wattpad. :(  For giving me the idea.)


Betts 🔎: You know me the best

Juggie 🍔: Thanks babe

Betts 🔎:  You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge

Juggie 🍔: Neither do you

Betts 🔎: That, right there, is the scariest feeling

Juggie 🍔: Scarier than looking a killer in the eyes?

Betts 🔎: Opening and closing up again

Juggie 🍔: You ok?

Betts 🔎: Now here we are, staring at the ceiling

Juggie 🍔: I'll be over in a few minutes

Betts 🔎: I've said those words before but it was a lie

Juggie🍔: I'm not lying

Betts 🔎: And you deserve to hear them a thousand times

Juggie 🍔: I'm confusion

Betts 🔎: If all it is is eight letters

Juggie 🍔: ?

Betts 🔎: Why is it so hard to say?

Juggie 🍔: Babe. Please explain.

Betts 🔎: They're song lyrics dumbass

Juggie 🍔: I meant the hidden meaning idiot

Betts 🔎: Read and think, Jughead

Juggie 🍔: Eight letters... Hard to say...

Betts 🔎: Jughead Jones

Juggie 🍔: I love you too.

Betts 🔎: I didn't even say it yet!

Juggie 🍔: I knew what you meant


I swooned while writing this

Also, I found this random yt channel that's cute.

Later loves,


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