First Kisses

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Bughead first kiss! Little baby Bughead (AKA 8th grade, because I'm trying to make us not be reading 7th graders kissing even though I know lots of people do that.) Cheryl's in the mood for chaos, and Betty and Veronica's best friend, with Jug and her dating for a while (aka 6 months- I go to middle school, and that's a long time to be dating someone.)


Betty POV

"Let's play 7 Minutes In Heaven," Cheryl declares at her after party from the dance. I'm always in attendance, clearly. Veronica and Jug came this time, though. Jughead only came to make sure that I don't kiss any boys- him not included. 

"Again?" V sighs, and plops down on the other side of Cheryl. It seems like at every one of her parties, we play this game.

Smirking, my cousin nods. "Of course. Don't worry though, Lodge, I'll be picking who plays."

"Someone's in the mood for chaos," I joke and she punches my shoulder lightly while Jug comes to sit next to me.

"Hey babe," he smiles at me. Good God he is adorable.

"Having fun, I hope," I ask him, and he laughs lightly.

"Arch just made me try to do a backflip. That was a failure."

"Did he record it?" I ask seriously, and Veronica's cheeks light up at the thought of Archie. She has a MAJOR crush on him, and he her.

"Yes, I did, and I already DM'd it to you," Archie reassures me, walking over and sitting on the other side of Jug.

"Stay out of my girlfriend's DM's," he jokes and I laugh, putting my head on his chest.

"Time to play!" Cheryl interrupts, and I roll my eyes. Let's just say that I know exactly what she's going to do.

"The first couple of the night, Bughead," she smirks and I grab Jug's hand and walk over to the closet.

Suddenly, I'm nervous. I've never kissed anyone before, and I want to now. Really badly. But I don't know if I can do it.

That's not the only thing giving me anxiety though. I think I love him. I don't know if I can say that though. I mean, we've only been dating for six months. I don't know if you can drop that bomb on somebody that soon. If only I told V about this. She'd know exactly what to do.

"Hey Betts, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to," Jug assures me, snapping me out of my thoughts. That's probably for the better, since I'm a chronic over thinker.

Instead of answering him, I lean up towards his lips and tilt my head. Jug does the same, and our lips collide. This may be the best feeling ever. I feel a spark, kissing the boy that I love. I don't know how people stop kissing, this feels so good.

We keep kissing, and I lightly bite down on his lower lip, getting the reward of a smile against my lips. That smile... I would do anything for that smile.

When we finally have to pull away for air, I smile widely, as does he.

"Hey Juggie? There's something I have to tell you," I breathe, putting my arms around his neck.

"What is it, Cooper?" He asks me, eyebrows knit slightly in concern.

"I love you, Juggie," I admit, and he smiles even wider than he was before, if that's possible.

"I love you too, Betts," Jughead kisses me again, and all my rational thoughts are lost.

I'm kissing the boy I love, and there's a lot of things I don't know (algebra being one of them) , but the only thing I'm 100% sure of, and that's that being with Jughead Jones is perfect.

"You know, this is so unlike me," I smile against his lips, breaking our kiss.

"Oh really? How?" Jug smiles at me, protectively wrapping his arms around my waist.

"All of it. Dating my best friend, kissing you, saying I love you, it's so not me," I laugh.

"I mean, I'm pretty happy that this isn't how you would normally roll, because if you hadn't decided to ask me to that dance, this never would've happened. And this is the best experience I've ever had, kid."

"Long game?"

"Correction: You're stuck with me forever."


I'm aware it's 10:35 at night and I'm writing fanfiction about children and feeling chronically single.

Later loves,


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