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Betty Cooper changed herself entirely in the span of three weeks in the spring of her junior year. She was tired of being quiet, nerdy, and a little bit on the more awkward side. So, she became who everyone always wanted her to be: the girl who wears short skirts, even shorter tops, and heels bigger than your middle finger.

Now, Betty had previously worn these things as well, but they were just layered in a different way. It started with the shoes, the ones that echoed through the hallways of school and commanded attention. Then, she slowly stopped wearing her bulky, boxy sweatshirts over her tops and just wore them as they were. By this point, all the boys stared at her in a way they never had before, a way she liked. Except for when it was her boobs, she didn't like that. The last thing was the skirts. Tights she had previously worn under them now felt weird with her other clothes, so she started wearing them without the tights.

She had always known she was hot and could have any guy she wanted, but she didn't want to deal with that until junior year. By that point, her only boyfriend, Archie Andrews, had dumped her and left her heartbroken with only her friend Kevin to comfort her, since he started dating Veronica, her best friend.

The couple had always been part of the same friend group, so they decided to handle it as a divorce: who gets custody of everything that had been their previous things, friends, places to hang out, everything. It was exhausting, and caused a lot more tears than you would think in a teenage breakup. They knew their friendship could never be the same by that point, but they were optimistic one day, they would be able to be friends again.

Betty got custody of Kevin, Cheryl, the student union, their booth at Pop's, and the bunker. Archie got Veronica, Jughead, the sweatshirts he had given Betty, the counter at Pop's, and the bleacher they always sat on. Everything else was fair ground, territory that they would both be allowed on. If at any point in time, one of the people wanted to change custody, that person would be neutral as well, but the other person was off limits to talk about the other with.

As you can tell, it was incredibly taxing on them to keep everything the way they had, but it was the only way for them to move on. The entire school had been invested in their relationship before they broke up, so now everyone was picking sides. It was bad, really bad. After the breakup, things went in an unknown direction to them, one in which they had never traveled until that point. Betty leaned on her friends when she was making her change, and they one thousand percent approved of her change, saying it was a great way to move on.

Now, if either of the parties that had broken up wanted to speak, there was a mediator, someone who had no stake in this at all so they couldn't choose sides. Most of the time, the mediator ended up being Pop Tate, since he couldn't care less but wanted to make sure they were friends again.

Betty had grown close to Jughead, however, in their year together working on the Blue and Gold together. It was a neutral area, and Jughead had been deemed neutral. In their senior year, Betty developed a crush on him. Real, human feelings in a romantic manner she had for a boy she was close to, really close.

But the rules stated, very clearly, that even if someone was neutral, a hearing had to be held to decide whether or not they could date. The rule hadn't been marked as void by the time that Betty caught feelings for Jughead, however, so she wasn't entirely sure what to do. She didn't want to screw everything up, but she didn't want to live without taking risks.

So, she gave herself a deadline. One month after she realized she had caught feelings, if she liked him more, she would date him. If she liked him less, she would forget about it. In high school, however, a month flies by quicker than you would think. And in that month, Betty's feelings got more intense.

So, she sighed loudly and called Jughead. The rule said nothing about them not already deciding to date beforehand. "Hey, Juggie."

"Hey, Betts. What's up?" Jughead asked her.

"I'm just gonna say this because if I don't, we're both going to regret it later. I like you, a lot. And I know we'll have to get approval, but we approved Varchie and so they owe it to us. So, do you like me too?"

He chuckled, "Yes, Betty, I do like you. I'll call the meeting. Meet me at Pop's in an hour, and we'll have them approve it, with Varchie being mentioned."

"Alright. Bye, Jug." The blonde smiled widely as she ended the phone call excitedly.

An hour and a half later, all parties had consented to what had been deemed by Kevin "Bughead" dating.


Idk what this is but it's not too bad.

Later loves,


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