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Trigger Warning This one shot contains mentions of physical and emotional abuse. If you are sensitive to either of these topics, please sit this one out. I won't be offended. :)  I promise we'll get back to the fun, light hearted ones soon. Hotlines will be at the end.


Home. It's supposed to be somewhere where you feel most safe, most protected. Surrounded by people you love, and who love you.

Not for Toni Topaz, it isn't. She gets abused daily, hit and berated by her parents because she didn't fit into their binary of normal: straight and naturally colored hair.

So, she spends as much time away from the house as possible. A member of the River Vixens, Blue and Gold, Class President, Dance Committee, Southside Serpents, and Pretty Poisons, her after school commitments were pretty taxing. Not to mention, her girlfriend was the most important person in the world to her and she wanted to go on dates with her.

But she has to go home sometime, back to the hell that is the Topaz house. As far as Southside standards, the house was in pretty good shape on the outside. But on the inside, it was a hellhole.

The only people she had ever told about her abusive parents were Jughead, Sweet Pea, and Fangs. All were sworn to secrecy, helping her slowly move out of her house and into a trailer they had scraped together enough money to buy.

Cheryl didn't know why her girlfriend was being so secretive about her home life. As far as she knew, the Topazes were pretty normal and accepted Toni. So, after a year and a half of dating, Cheryl decided to take matters into her own hands.

The redhead knew where Toni lived, and even had a key. On the fifteenth of May, she drove over to the house and opened the door.

Muffled crying, as well as leather hitting something, could be heard from the entryway the Blossom heiress was in.

"Are you still a (derogatory term i refuse to use)?" A male voice shouted angrily at someone. Oh no.

"Worthless, fat, ugly, one at that," a more feminine voice said, clearly enjoying this. The sound of leather hitting her was again rippling through the house.

Cheryl frantically took out her phone and called Jughead. "Hey Cheryl, what's up?"

"Get your hobo ass and my cousin to Toni's. Now." The ice in her tone, along with the muffled shrieks of Toni, could be heard in the background.

"I'll be there in twenty," Jughead hurriedly said, grabbing Betty. A trailer door closed behind the pair.

"Minutes?" Cheryl anxiously asked.

"Seconds," he assured her, opening the door with Fangs and Sweet Pea. "Boys, you know what to do. Just like we practiced. Betts, Cheryl, follow my lead."

"Just like we practiced? Jughead, what's happening?" Cheryl asked, confused and scared as the raven haired boy lead her up a flight of stairs.

"Her parents are assholes, homophobic assholes. They abuse her. Fangs, Sweets, and I have been helping her move out for a few months now. All she needed were a few more things that she came for today, and they did this," his tone lowered as they were lead to a bedroom, the shrieks of pain and muffled sobbing getting louder.

"Cher, you're going to get that belt out of their hands and carry Toni out. Fangs will be meeting you outside to get her to the hospital. Betty, you're going to get the door open and get her parents down. Sweet Pea is getting her brother, and I'm going to get the rest of the things she needs to move into the trailer. Got it?" The girls nod, Betty taking out her bobby pin.

The door unlocks and the trio burst into action; Cheryl grabs the belt out of her parent's hands and tosses it to Betty, not so accidentally hitting the homophobes in the face with it before grabbing her girlfriend.

"Fuck. You." The redhead says to her girlfriend's parents before storming out, tears in her eyes.

Betty, sensing that the parents are about to do something, calmly says, "I wouldn't move if I were you. Cheryl Blossom, Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, and Toni Topaz are not to be messed with."

"Please! We get it; she's a (d.t. i refuse to use) She can't hurt us; we're her parents! We're beating the gay out of her!" The pair protest.

"That's not how it works, shitheads. Now, you will only see your daughter in court," Jughead spits disgustedly.

"Police! Hands up!" FP shouts, and the Topazes both agree. "Is everyone else out of the house, boy?"

"Yep. We've got his stuff and we'll have hers as soon as they're out of here, Dad," Jughead tells him, calmly gathering the rest of Toni's things.

Meanwhile, Fangs is inspecting the pink haired girl's injuries. "She should be fine without the hospital, but we'll go just to be safe. Cher, can you take her in your car?"

"Yeah; lead the way," the redhead agrees and her girlfriend follows her in the direction of the cherry red convertible.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, babe," Toni says, voice breaking.

"I'm not. I'm sorry you lived with assholes, though. TT, why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I was embarrassed. They're horrible, and I hate them."

"Well, don't worry about them anymore. We're going to get through this."


This is a tough topic to discuss, and I wanted to talk about it here.

I apologize for my use of a derogatory term, albeit bleeped out. I truly despise and hate that word.


1-800-799-7233 completely confidential, National Domestic Violence Hotline

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Later loves,


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