Romeo and Juliet Part 2

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Not at all requested, but I felt like this was needed on the internet, so here we go! Before we get started, if you want to read some weddings, that's something I'm considering doing, but HAVE YOU HEARD SEVENTEEN?! COLE SPROUSE IS AN ANGEL WHO CAN SING AMAZINGLY!!! Clearly, I have a minor obsession with that song, so look out for a one shot based on it!

Also, I DON'T HAVE A CLUE HOW THIS LABOR SHIT WORKS, SO PLEASE CORRECT ME! I'm twelve, so this is kind of going to skip the birthing process, partially because that shit's nasty, partially because I don't know how it works.


*9 Months Later* 

"V, they're so adorable. My godchildren are so precious, and I can't wait to have my actual children." I gush, holding Camila in my arms, while Jughead has Neveah in his. 

"You'll be perfect. The kids will be spoiled senseless, clearly, and they'll be best friends." Veronica assures me while preparing the twins bottles.

"I hope so. I'm totally dressing my kiddos in beanies and then whatever else is with their ou- OW!" I scream at the end, feeling a wet substance track it's way down my leg.

"Betts? What's wrong, babe?" Jug says, handing Neveah to Archie so he can run ten feet over to me.

"My water broke. Can you please go get a nurse and tell her I'm going into fucking- OW! Contraction. Labor?" I ask, feeling a horrible pain throughout my body.

"Our kids might have the same birthday, B! I can see their joint parties already..." Ronnie trails off, realizing that another contraction's coming.

"FUCK THIS HURTS!" I shout as a nurse comes in to check on Veronica.

"Ms. Cooper, what's wrong? Are you in labor?" a nurse I immediately recognize as Harper asks, rushing over to me.

"I'm in labor and I've already had two contractions in ten minutes." I say, suddenly having another. "Shit that hurts! Make that three contractions."


*Skipping to After Birth because that shit (delivery) is nasty, and I know absolutely nothing about it.*

"They're beautiful, Juggie. Look what we brought into the world." I say after they give me the babies. We haven't picked out names yet, but I think I have the perfect ones.

"Look what you brought into the world, Betts. I didn't carry them around for nine months and have a three hour labor, you did," he corrects, kissing the top of my head.

"Though you did help, a lot. With both reproducing and making sure I was comfortable. I love you," I say, kissing him on the lips.

"Why thank you, Betty. I love you too, Cooper," Jug says, holding the boy in his hand.

"I have an idea for their names, Juggie. I know you want to name our little boy Forsythe, but what if we name the kids Romeo and Juliet?" I ask, slightly concerned that he'll say no.

After about five minutes of complete silence while he ponders over my name selection, Jughead speaks. "I think those names are perfect. There's just one problem."

"What's the problem, Jug?" I ask, uncertain what he'll say.

"I won't be able to call you my Juliet anymore," Jughead jokes, kissing the top of Romeo's head. 

"Haha, very funny, Forsythe. Juliet, tell Daddy he's crazy." I say, pointing her disappointing face at Jug.

"Not very nice, Juli. Now Daddy needs to use Romeo against you," he says, pointing Romeo's peaceful face at me.

"Juggie, he looks peaceful. Like he's fine with anything. I think he'll have no problem getting a girlfriend," I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Neveah and him would make a cute couple," he says, trying to kill me.

"And we'll set Juliet up with Brandon," I say, referring to Toni and Cheryl's baby. At the mention of that, his eyes widen immeasurably.


This is such a boring and short chapter! I thought it was needed, but it took forever to write because I kept losing interest and reading a Jenzie fan fiction.

In personal news, this weekend may feature an extra upload on my stories, so add them- or this, since you read it, to your library!

Later loves,


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