We Drunk

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Choni One-Shot that  friend said I could only use if it was lesbian, because this was fricking hilarious. *GC*


CherylBomshell: I'm likeeeeee

CherylBombshell: Yo fam

CherylBombshell: drunk

Archie: Stop getting drunk.

Archie: We have to be at Josie's party in an hour

CherylBombshell: I just did a strange thing...

CherylBombshell: Now everything's pink

Archie: Sober up

Archie: And get ready for the party

CherylBombshell: Lol no go w/o me

V: Honestly show up drunk. Record it. Bring me

Archie: She's drunk. Why do you want to see this?

TT: Because I miss my girlfriend.

CherylBombshell: We could just get drunkkk

Archie: Well, it's Josie's party, and you can't come, V because you two aren't friends.

V: Yeah, I know.

TT: It's always fun when she's drunk.

CherylBombshell: What are you gays talking about?

CherylBombshell: *guys

CherylBombshell: *gays

B: Good God, 1) I'm straight. 2) this is amusing. how long have you been drinking?

CherylBombshell: heheheheheheheheheheheheh uwu

V: I'm loving this.

CherylBombshell: Stfu

V: Sorry

CherylBombshell: Cronch cronchhh


This was kinda realistic because there was a groupchat like this a few days ago.

If anyone who's in the chat was reading this, they know what I'm talking about.

Later loves,


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