I Love You// AU Pt. 2

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Even though we got the BEST ILY moments in TV history on Riverdale for all the ships we Stan (Bughead, Varchie, Choni), I'm making an A/U for all of the ships I feel like: Bughead, Barchie, Varchie, Veggie, Falice, Choni.




Juggie🍔: Hey

Betts🔎: wassup

Juggie🍔: can't I just text my gorgeous girlfriend?

Betts🔎: Spill. The. Tea

Juggie🍔: I has secret

Betts🔎: Spill.

Juggie🍔: It has three words...

Betts🔎: I love burgers

Juggie🍔: Eight letters...

Betts🔎: I got food

Juggie🍔: I love...

Betts🔎: Jellybean

Juggie🍔: I love you, Betty Cooper

Betts🔎: I love you too, Jughead Jones


Barchie (Don't Worry It's Platonic)

"Do you love anyone you're not related to, Arch?" Young Betty asks one of her best friends at recess one cold March day.

"Yeah, I do," Archie replies nonchalantly, bouncing on a trampoline.

"Who?" Betty presses, grabbing the basketball out of the ginger haired boy's hands.

"Not telling, Betts," the redhead replies, and tackles her to the ground.

"Why are you tackling me, ya weirdo?" The blonde haired girl laughs, pulling herself off the ground.

The pair are inches away from each other's faces and at that moment, Archie decides to voice the thought he's had for months.

"Betty, it's you," he confesses and Elizabeth is so surprised that she stands up in alarm.


Varchie (I'm not able to top the show one)


"Ronnie?" Archie asks, and after the conversation he and Betty had last night, I think I know what he's going to say.

"In here, Archiekins," Veronica calls from her bedroom.

Opening the door, he sees his girlfriend still wrapped in a towel from her shower, and his eyes widen.

"I have to tell you something, but I just want to say I don't want you to say it because you feel like you have to," the red haired boy says nervously.

"Archie, what is it?" Veronica questions, and sweat starts to form on her boyfriend's face.

"I love you, Veronica Lodge," he says and the girls heart about stops. She instantly smiled.

"I love you, Archiekins Andrews," she smiles, and the two share a kiss that quickly turns into more than that while I scream of happiness.



VLodge: Hey babe

Reggie🏈: Sup?

VLdoge: I love you.

Reggie🏈: I love you too. That was sudden.

VLodge: I've been trying to hold it in, but I can't anymore.

Reggie🏈: Well, I'm happy you said it

VLodge: Pop's at 3?

Reggie🏈: Ofc.



Alice POV

After a vigorous session of lovemaking with FP, I knew I should voice what I'd been feeling for so long. The only thing was, when? (A/N: I'm reading this in Rogelio's voice from Jane The Virgin)

When I was sure that he was asleep, I whispered, "Nighty night, baby. I love you," and he immediately sat up.

"You do?" He asked in alarm, but also relief. I sighed nervously.

"Why would I lie?" I inquire, and he pulls me in for a kiss.

"I don't know, Alice. All I know is that I love you too and our children are definitely going to be surprised by this tirn of events," FP chuckles.

"I mean, they already know about Charles. I think they can take this," I say, laughing.



"Serpents, I have an important announcement," Toni Topaz announces one afternoon in August at a Serpent meeting.

"Cheryl, I've liked you for a long time now, but just now, I realized that I love you. I don't know how long, but I love you, Cheryl Blossom," the pink-haired girl says, and her girlfriend comes running up to her.

"I love you too, TT. I was hoping that you'd move in with me? I'm cuckoo banana pants for you, and my dreadful mother is being her hideous self away from Thistle house," Cheryl embraces her girlfriend.

"Of course I will, baby," Toni assured her, and the two share a passionate kiss.


This was the rough draft I couldn't find earlier, so take the double update!

Later loves,


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