I Do

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Wedding time!! Choni, this time. And probably just vows bc I feel like it.


No one POV

Cheryl and Toni had spent months preparing for their wedding. They truly were having their dream wedding. The girls had spent every free moment preparing for this: Writing vows, going dressedo shopping, it felt like a magical time for the couple. And now, in front of all of their family and friends, the pair were declaring their love for each other, and promising to honor their love forever.

Nothing of their wedding was normal, when you think of weddings. They entered through a song performed by their son, Kurt, and his boyfriend, Blaine, and their school's Glee Club. They put on quite an elaborate show, even though most of the kids couldn't dance.

When the time finally came for them to say their vows, the entire crowd was smiling widely. The bond that Choni shared was one of immense strength, and love, and everything that came with that. The crowd sensed that, and loved every minute of the ceremony.

"I, Cheryl Blossom, promise to love you, forever and always, Toni. No one has been there for me like you have, through it all. Even when I was going completely insane, you were there for me. You made me a better person. I love you, and I always will. And, since I know you won't believe me when I say that, I found a pretty cool way to do it: judging our friends and using that as part of our vows," the redhead jokes, and everyone laughs. "Veronica and Archie we're afraid of commitment when they first met, and I was too. I didn't want to commit to having this label on me, that in gay, and that I'm in love with you, but I did. Jughead and Betty, they're two polar opposites when you think about it, but they compliment each other so well, and bring out the best in each other. I can't think of a time when I've been with you, and all of my worried haven't practically faded away. Even though, in theory, we shouldn't work, we do. But we're our own love story, too. We're meant to be, I truly believe it. I hope you do, too, since we're up here getting married."

"Aww, babe, that was so sweet. I love you too, you know. Anyways, onto my vows. Cheryl, when I first met you, I didn't like you one bit, gonna be honest here. I thought you were some stuck up bitch who could use a reality check. Little did I know, that I was slowly falling in love with you. I love how you're not afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even if you know that you'll get in trouble. I love that you're always the first one to ask me how my day went when I get home, because Kurt is with Blaine, ignoring his awesomer mom, and how you always give me a hug when I need it, just because you know that I've been stressed. I love that you took our wedding vows as an opportunity to judge our friends. I love that you are the cutest thing ever. I love you, all of you, Cheryl. I will forever," the pink haired gk smiles, happy tears falling down the eyes of everyone in attendance and the brides.

"Do you, Cheryl, take this woman-" Kevin starts, officiating the ceremony from some website he found.

"I do," she interrupts him, putting the ring on her wife's finger.

"And do you, Toni, -" he starts again, to the same affect.

"By the power vested in me by a website, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride," Kevin smiles, clapping.


Sis i be TIRED.

Later loves,


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