We Were Just Kids When We Fell In Love

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Bughead/ Pre-School

Betty POV

"Bye, Mommy, FP, Gladys, Daddy, and Jellybean! Love you!" I shout across the playground to Juggie's parents and mine.

"What she said." he echoes, smiling. "So, what should we play first?"

Scanning the playground, I find a boy with bright red hair, and a girl with red hair, playing a game. "Let's play that." I say, pointing to them.

"Whatever you say, Betts. You're in charge today, and pretty much everyday." Jug says as we move over to where the redheads are.

"What are you guys playing?" I ask when we near them.

"Truth or dare. Wanna join?" the little boy says, receiving the look Daddy gets when Mommy finds out I had ice cream for dinner.

"Sure. How do you play, boy and girl who's names I don't know?" Jug says, sitting down on the grass next to them.

"Well, you play by someone asking you truth or dare. You have to answer one of them, and then if you answer truth, you have to answer a question, but if you pick dare, anything could happen." the girl says.

"Seems easy enough. Oh, and we're Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones from the Southside." I say, sitting down between Jug and the girl.

"That's cool. I'm Cheryl Blossom, and this is Archie Andrews, my boyfriend." the girl says. Wait, I know the Blossom's. Daddy talks about them.

"Jughead, truth or dare?" Archie Andrews asks suddenly. Something's up with him, I think.

"Dare, Archie Andrews." Juggie says confidently.

"I dare you to... kiss Betty Cooper on the lips and tell her you love her." the boy with the red hair says.

Glaring at Archie, I say, "I'm not going to allow that. Mommy says I can't kiss people until I'm 14. Besides, Juggie and I say I love you all the time, we're best friends."

"Well, in this game, you have to. Unless, of course, you want to be lamer than you already are." Cheryl Blossom says in an icy tone.

"We're not lame, Cheryl Blossom. Just because my daddy doesn't like yours, that's no reason to be a meanie." I say angrily.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself to fall asleep at night, honey. But out here, in the real world, you better let him kiss you, lest I tell everyone that you're a scaredy cat." the red haired girl I already hate says, smiling evilly.

"Just go along with it, Betty. Tell your parents it was her fault. Get her in trouble." Archie says, standing up for me.

"You do not get to tell my best friend what to do, Cheryl. That goes against everything I stand for, and I have a cell phone that I can call Daddy on and tell him about this." Jughead says, hands balled into fists.

"Just kiss already! No one likes a scaredy cat, goody two-shoes, annoying, duo." Cheryl Blossom says, smiling innocently.

"No. Maybe this is the first time you've ever heard that word, but it means you cannot do what you want and need to take a step back, lest I tell everyone in this town, Southside and Northside alike, that you're a big, fat meanie." I say, fire burning in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, do you know who I am? Cheryl Blossom, nice to meet you. You do not get to tarnish my reputation, dear. Kiss before I tell Ms. Rabinovitz." little miss evil says.

Instead of shooting back a response, Jug puts his lips on mine for under a second before I punch him. "What the heck, Juggie?" I say a little too loudly for comfort.

"I do not do confrontation well. At the moment, it seemed like the best way to end it." he says, spitting on the ground.

"Good God, I'm going to need a minute." I say, thinking. "Jug, follow me"

"I'm sorry for kissing you, that was disgusting." he says as soon as we get there.

"Thank you for your apology; you are forgiven. Now, onto more pressing matters: I just made both of us an enemy, and she has red hair." I say.

"Yep. We just have to avoid her and she'll go away, that's my dad's advice." he says, smiling.

"Okay then. Well, let's go complete the second half of that dare, shall we?" I say, extending my hand.

Skipping over to the area with the redheads, I say, "Love you, Juggie." 

"Ditto." he says.


I don't even know what I'm doing right now, so enjoy this weird as hell chapter of their lives.

Later loves,


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