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Yowza this Bughead one is weird.


Betty POV

"I know, V. It's just, it hurts so much, ya know? Was I not good enough for him?" I sob into my best friend's shoulder one rainy autumn afternoon. The rain is coming down at a rate of minor flooding, and there's a thunderstorm as well. Matches my mood pretty well.

"B, do not fall into that trap. You were too good for him, not the other way around. Jughead Jones did not deserve you, nor does he now," she assures me as tears stream down my face.

"He broke up with me via a letter, Lodge. A freaking letter. That's what hurts the most about this," I remind her through tears.

"I know. That sucks, honey," V comforts me and Cheryl comes up to my room with ice cream and Toni, her girlfriend.

"I beat Hobo up," Cheryl announces and I frown. Yes, he deserved it, but my cousin is violent.

"I watched," Toni hands me the ice cream and a spoon.

"Normally, I'd be mad at you, but right now, I'm too sad to," I joke.

"I'm sorry, honey. If it makes you feel any better, Arch is yelling at him," V reminds me and I smile slightly.

Dear Betty,

       We live in two inherently different worlds: me, a loser from the wrong side of the tracks. You, an amazing, beautiful, captivating, popular girl from the perfect family- taking away the incestual relationship Polly and Jason had and the fact that your dad was a serial killer.

        Though I know you love me, and I you, I can't keep dating you. We're 15 and 16, and each other's first relationship.

        I want you to date so many boys you have a type, so many you almost forget about me. So many boys, you can't count. So many boys, people call you a heartbreaker. So many boys, you know what heartbreak feels like and how to cure it.

         I want you to live your life, without having to worry about me. I want you to have the perfect life you deserve: great boyfriend, amazing friends (who I know are going to beat me up and yell at me by the way. Apology accepted.), going to a great school, having a successful career- whatever that may be.

       Maybe we're meant to be, maybe we're not. All I know, Betty Cooper, is that if, in a few years, we're both living in the same city and single, I hope that we can make it work between us.


Jughead Jones


*Time Skip: 5 years; they're graduated college

"Veronica, stop trying to set me up with Reggie," I beg my best friend one sunny afternoon in my adopted hometown of New York. After college, V and I decided to get an apartment while we wait to get rich and get me a serious boyfriend.

"Then get a mans! I'm serious, B, it's been Jughead since you've had a boyfriend for more than a month," she begs me.

"Well, I don't want to date anyone right now, V. Unless I find some perfect man today at the diner, I'm not going on a date with anyone," I assure her, grabbing my coat and wallet.

"Fine. But you need to either tell me that you're never dating again, or get a man! Preferably Jughead!" Veronica shouts as I leave the apartment, sighing as I walk over to the diner.

Is she right? Do I need a serious boyfriend? I haven't had one in 5 years, and I guess I have missed it a little. But, with dating around, there's no strings. No commitment. Just fun and done.

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