5.1 Donnie x Ace

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Next: 2.0 Tots!Tmnt x Older! Reader

Later: 8.0 Leo x Reader

Battle Cry

By Jussie Smollett

The turtle brothers were sitting in the living room after training. Donnie was scribbling away in his notebook, designing a new piece of tech. Leo was practically kissing the TV because he was sitting so close while watching Space Heroes. Mikey was too busy snoring away the time, a pizza box lying open on top of his head. Raph, for once, wasn't brooding and sat quietly reading a Fantastic Four Food Groups comic.

The lair was peaceful for once, at least it was until a high pitched shriek echoed through the sewers. Leo clutched the TV in agony as his piercing yelp caught the attention of all his brothers. 

Mikey fell off of the couch with a thump. "What the heck was that?"

"Lame-o-nardo here," Raph began with a scowl, "decided to scare the whole state by yelling over that stupid show."

Leo glared at Raph while still holding on desperately to the TV. "It's not a stupid show! I only yelled because my show clicked off and now it's showing breaking news. Just when Captain Ryan was about to-"

Donnie lurched forward. "Shhh, turn it up."

Leo tried to turn the sound up. "That's the max."

The four brothers fixed their eyes onto the news story that was playing in front of them. The news reporter covered a story on the newest information about the vigilante sitings. Apparently, there was a photo taken last night of a group of "mutants" that was sent in. 

Mikey pointed out the obvious. "Dudes, how could they have they gotten a picture of us if we weren't even patrolling last night? Hashtag fake news, am I right?"

He raised his hand to Raph for a high-three. Raph slapped his hand away and motioned towards the TV. "Pay attention, idiot. They're not describing us."

Donnie's eyes widened at the sight on the channel. "It looks like a wolf, a dragon, and a..."

Mikey piped in. "A bird man! Look at the wings. That's totally Hawkman. I called it!"

The eldest three brothers facepalmed. Leo stood up from the TV and put a hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Mikey, Hawkman isn't real. Superheroes don't exist, only mutants and aliens do."

"But, dude, there are hundreds of different dimensions out there!" Mikey then gasped. "What if there's a universe where we are the fake ones in comics and on TV and there are people watching and reading our every move! OMG what if Batman exists and he watches cartoons about us instead-"

Donnie covered his mouth. "That's enough thinking for one day."

"Yeah," Raph began, "wouldn't want to tire out your last two brain cells before noon."

Mikey glared at Raph and attempted to lunge at him. Leo grabbed his baby brother and forced him back down into a seated position. "Anyway, tonight we'll patrol and look for these new 'vigilantes'. We need to stop them before they cause anymore problems in New York."


That night, the turtle brothers suited up and ran through the sewers. They hopped from rooftop to rooftop, unable to find the other group they had seen on the news. Just when they were about to give up on their search, they spotted to other team just outside of Shredder's lair.

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