Make up

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"The glory of a Tardis shall be ours."

"Yeah I don't think so mate!" You mumbled finally taking your hand away from the doctor who always seemed to be protecting you or you from yourself.

"Help him." Ryan pleaded.

"Trust me? We've landed." The doctor smiled.

"Finally, my mission is complete. The Earth and the Doctor shall submit before the Dalek fleet."The Doctor opens the doors and painfully bright light floods in. You all had to hang on to the console.

"Doctor, what are you doing?" Ryan and Yaz said in sync.

"Sorry, did I not mention? No fleet. Only a sun going supernova, and a squid-sized vacuum corridor about to pull you out into space." The doctor explained happily with herself.

"Dad!" Ryan screamed.

"You're too weak, Dalek. You can't hold on." She smiled.

"Except it is holding on, Doctor." Graham strained.

"All right. Ah! The vacuum corridor's expanding and I can't control it. Back up gang!" The doctor warned watching you.

"What do you mean?" Graham asked helping Yaz hold on.

"It's going to take Aaron with it! Argh! Everybody, hold on!" Aaron is dragged backwards until he grabs hold of the door frame. Oh fuck.

"Dad! Doctor, help him! Dad! Dad! Hold on!" Ryan lunges forwards. You called after him but he wasn't listening as he climbed against the wall towards his dad.

"Dad! Dad, I know you can hear me." He shouted.

"He is mine now." The mutant  screeched.

"No, he's not. He's mine. Dad. Dad, I'm here for you. I forgive you. I love you, Dad. Take my hand!" You release your shaky breath as Aaron takes Ryan's hand, and the Dalek mutant is finally ripped of his back and out into space. "Leave my dad alone!"

The Doctor finally closes the Tardis doors letting you settle back on the ground.

"We've got you. Not bad for a kid with dyspraxia, right?" He smiles proudly. You let out a heavily chuckle as you catch your breath.

"Right. Let's get you all back!" The doctor exclaimed.

You dropped of lin and Mitch back at the dig site.

"Hey wait up mum!" You shouted as river made her way back to the door. "You didn't say goodbye" you smiled softly taking her into a hug.

"You know I don't do goodbyes dear." She whispered in the hug. "But you're see me again"

"I know" you replied letting her walk out the tardis.

"So your mum is -fun!" Yaz laughs.

"Yeah she can be intimidating but she's just really protective kinda like the doctor I suppose" you spoke.

"Well there both your parents so you can't blame them" she teased walking with you to the room under the console where you popped yourself down on the sofa.

"Well one of them knows more then she's showing" you whispered letting it spill out.

"What was that?" Yaz asks in concern.

"Aye nothing. Anyway I made up with missy" you smiled shyly. She hit you playfully sitting down next to you.

"You didn't"

"I did. I told her we could be friends" you instantly cringed as Yaz fell into a fit of laughter.

"Why the hell would you do that for. You looovveeeee heerrr" she teased holding her sides as She squealed.

"I need time. I think we both do. Anyway it's hard being a time traveller nothing ever happens in the right order." You sighed remembering everything that happened with you and missy.

"Well that means" she gets up. "We're going out." She smirked. "To the pub!"

"Oh no. Yasmine Khan you are not doing this to me" you shouted chasing after her as she rushed out the room to get ready.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now