<68> Yandere!Leon x Depressed!Reader

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Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Inside the Killing Game
Gender: Neutral
Request by: Dali Fraiser (On Quotev)

Have you ever felt so tired that you don't wanna update your book but then you realize you haven't updated it in ages?


<Narrator's P.O.V>

Things may not always goes as what you wanted. Things may be a bit too weird, or maybe too... depressing for you. But this is a whole new level. You were now trapped inside a killing game with other 15 students, with you being the 16th, of course. The killing game is already terrible itself... but now you have her in your life. She's the most horrible person you've ever met, she tend to be nice around everyone, but when they look away, she started to hurt you, she started to threaten you, she would never stop bullying you. You couldn't take it whenever she says something sweet to Makoto, Leon, or anyone, she's two faced... and you wish someone would know that... you wished that she was dead and you just want to break free.

"(Y/N)? You're... off again..." Leon snapped me into the bitter reality that this killing game is still going on. "A-Ah... I'm... sorry... I'm just... thinking..." You trailed off, trying to act like your usual self, but obviously failing. "You can tell me what it is, (Y/N). Cause... we're friends, after all, right? So if there's anything, just tell me." The red head smiled at you as you hesitated a bit before speaking. "I-It's not anything, Leon... It's just about this killing game... and all... everyone has been a bit scared of it... and so am I." You tried to reason as Leon nods, but inside, he knew there was something wrong, and the killing game wasn't the only reason.

Leon decided to go with your lies, and got you to your own dorm. After you closing the door behind you, Leon had decides to stay and watch over you. He wanted to know what actually happened, and he wants to help you somehow. But luckily for Sayaka today, she didn't came by your room, and you got to be alone. You sighed in relief as you didn't see her for the rest of the day. But you couldn't help but got the feeling of being watched by something- no... Someone... You turned around several times to confirm that it wasn't anything, but you kept having that feeling. You decided to shrug it off, and for distracting that feeling, you took out a box cutter from your desk, and started to put it onto your skin.

But just as you were about to make a line, your door suddenly bursted open, you quickly turned around and realized that you didn't lock the door... "L-Leon?!" You yelled as he took away the box cutter. "It's alright, (Y/N)... I-I'm not mad... Just please don't do this again... I'll help you, alright? Wh-Who made you do this?" The red haired boy started firing out questions as you began to sob a little. You didn't know how did Leon knew you would do this, but it doesn't really matter for now. "I-I'm sorry... I-It's just myself... There's nothing... or anyone making me do this..." You lied and decides to just pull away from the hug.

Leon looked at you with a frown, then decided to help you getting to bed. Did he believe that...? Or... You trailed off your thoughts, tiredness took the best of you and your eyes were finally closed, off to a deep sleep.


The next day, you woke up from your bed, and saw Leon was right beside you. You blushed a little before getting out of the bed in a panic, you didn't really remember what happened yesterday, but you really thought Leon was back to his room... After throwing yourself off the bed, the red-haired male woke up too. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?!" Leon asked in a concerned voice as you just nods and rubbed your head. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine... It's just me..." You trailed off before sighing. "A-Anyway, let's go to the cafeteria... I think everyone is waiting." You said with a slight blush when your eyes meet with Leon's

He nodded and you two walked out of your room, but you frowned immediately when you meet her again... Sayaka... you were already so done with her bullying, but she just have to always... like that, trying to make your life getting only more and more sucks. "Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Leon questioned as you shook your head. "N-Nothing is wrong... I was just tired..." You sighed as Leon rose a brow, and looked over to Sayaka again. "I see..." He trailed off, he must have noticed how you was trying to avoid Sayaka...

"Leon!~ Should we go now?~" The blue haired female questioned in a sweet tone as Leon slightly nodded, but Sayaka quickly gazed at you. "And by that means, me, and Leon, there's no place for someone like you, (Y/N)." The girl said before dragging Leon away, you looked at them with a pained expression in your eyes, you just wanted to end it all, you didn't want it to continue on. You sighed and walk over at the cafeteria, without Byakuya, Leon and Sayaka of course. After a while, Leon showed up... but there wasn't Sayaka with him, and after that, Byakuya was the last one to enter the cafeteria.

"... Um... Where's Sayaka...?" Makoto questioned nervously as he looked around the group. "Maybe she's still in her room or something..." Aoi said while staring at the ceiling. "Well, I guess we should check that out..." The lucky student said before walking out of the cafeteria, you wanted to stop him to tell about the Leon stuff, but your arm was grabbed, and they pulled you into somewhere. "L-Leon?!" You called out, but the male silenced you with his finger. "Wh-What did you do to Sayaka?" You asked, almost seeming to be whispering.

"Oh... I just done a favor for you, (Y/N)... see... you was a little too much uncomfortable with Sayaka, so I decided to... kill her." Leon smiled at you. "Are you proud of me, (Y/N)?" "Wh-Why?! Y-You're crazy! Why did you ever kill?! Why..." You cried out and Leon just stayed silent. "It's alright, (Y/N)... No one can hurt you now... not if I'm here..." He said before pulling you into a kiss, which you never responded back.

You'll have to do something...


Cringe enough for my lazy ass.

Words: 1121


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