Other targets(One-Shot 37)

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Luke and CJ got out from the store, CJ carried a can of cola, Luke was happily chatting to her, as CJ sipped and walk she bumped into someone, causing her cola to fall on the ground "s-sorry!" CJ frantically apologised, getting up "it's okay kid" a male voice said "hey Kim, Emilia and Coraline" Luke greeted, warmly, smiling at them "hey Lukey!" Emilia exclaimed, hugging Luke, tightly "who are they, Luke?" CJ asked Luke, confused and curious "my friend. Trust me, there nice" Luke said, smiling at CJ "I'm Coraline. But call me Cora" a blue haired girl said, smiling at CJ "I'm Kingston. But call me Kim" a black haired boy introduced, also smiling "I'm Emilia. Aren't you the cutest!" Emilia happily exclaimed, hugging CJ, tightly "I must protect this angel!" ÙwÚ Emilia exclaimed "sorry, Em.. but, I think your suffocating her" Luke said, smiling, arm-crossed "oops.." :3 Emilia spoke, releasing CJ "well, nice to meet you guys. I'm CJ" CJ said, smiling "I'm CJ" CJ introduced.

The kids started talking on their way, to the park, before they knew it.. they seem to get along. "There they are!" a male voice whispered. "Eh..?!" Kim exclaimed, looking around "what's wrong Kim?" Coraline asked him, concerned "I thought I heard a voice.. must be my imagination" Kim replied. "Hello CJ Qwaint, Luke Journeys, Kim Lucky Stars, Emilia Cupid and Coraline Spirits" PZ301 sinister greeted them "OH GOD-" Kim yelled "y-you guys deal with PZ?!" CJ exclaimed, shocked by this "y-yes.." Luke answered "he's right!" Coraline exclaimed "since you kids met each other we're taking you guys!" PZ44 yelled "uhhhhh.. no your not!" CJ yelled "definitely not! I'm not letting you take mah Angel!" Emilia exclaimed, her arms wrapped around CJ "EM!" -_- Luke yelled.

"SPLIT UP!" Kim yelled, the kids all ran to different directions "get them!" PZ6 yelled in a commanding tone. Kim ran as fast as he could he then heard a voice yelling after him "Kim!" the male voice yelled "Ch-Chance?!" Kim yelled, shocked, they both then hugged each other "I finally get to see you. How have you been?" Chance asked, smiling "good, thank you. But, right now the hackers are chasing after me, Luke, CJ, Cora and Emilia" Kim said "CJ..? As in.. CJ QWAINT?!" Chance yelled, shocked "uhhhh.. yeah." Kim replied, confused "why are you so surprised?" He asked, concern "cause her aunt and uncle has been in contact with my grandpa!" Chance yelled "wha-?" Kim replied.

Then few fog bombs were thrown at them causing them to pass out.


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