Daisy and Elliot now know 0-0💧(One-Shot)

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Oooooh. More tmf characters and hackers interaction. 😏


"Thank you Milly and Daisy for um.. helping me water the flowers after school" Elliot shyly told them "n-no problem. I'm happy to help you anytime soon" Milly said, her face going red "we are always happy to help. Anytime soon" :3 Daisy said, cheerfully then screaming and yelling was coming from the sports field, the trio all eye-widen in shock they all rushed over to see Lydia, Mila, Lilliana and Clayton battling some hackers. "Stop moving!" PZ44 yelled in frustration at Lilliana who kept jumping, giggling and using her own bat as a shield then she smack PZ44 in the face "don't mess with the musical girl!" >:3 Lilliana cheerfully exclaimed. "Come on Lydia. We all know your nothing without your YouTube channel" PZ11 sinisterly said, walking up to her "f^ck off PZ11!" -_-💢 Lydia yelled, angrily, kicking him in the nuts causing him to backwards hitting the grown pretty hard.

"Lydia?! Mila?! Clayton?! Lilliana?!" Daisy yelled, running over to the squad "uhhhhhh.. hi Daisy, Milly and.. Elliot.." Clayton greeted, nervously "what the heck happened and why are you fighting people in masks?!" Daisy exclaimed, genially concerned, helping Mila up who kinda got badly beat up during the battle they had with the hackers "you mean you didn't know?" PZ11 sinisterly asked Daisy "I don't really know that much information about my classmates.. to be honest.." Daisy muttered, shyly "that'sssss not the point in thisss conversation!" PZ76 exclaimed "tf does this guy sound like he ate bunch of pills?" Elliot asked, walking over with Milly beside him "I swear to god if there's one person saying that I went through some crazy thing for my voice to be like this I will-" PZ76 muttered in frustration, facepalming "you sound like you ate bunch of drugs" Milly taunted with a smirk plastered on her face "you little pink haired devil s^it a^s lord-" PZ76 said with hatred in his voice-tone, looking up at Milly.

"BUT SERIOUSLY! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" Daisy yelled, now getting more concern and angry "looks like this girl is a curious one" PZ6 said, kinda surprised by this but mostly sounded mocking "welllll.. Daisy-" Lydia started off explaining, after explaining, Elliot and Daisy were left in shock "I- um-.. what?!" Elliot yelled, eye-widening from the news he received from Lydia "Yep, it's true" Mila said.

"Well she was fast-forward about this-" PZ715 said, sounding kinda surprised. "Heh.. I kinda knew about this.." Milly said, rubbing her head, nervously "WHO ELSE KNEW?!" Elliot yelled, still shocked by this "practically-" Lilliana started off only to be cut off by Elliot "I-I think I heard enough" Elliot gently spoke "looks like people can't handle the truth nowadays" PZ6 taunted, laughing with the hackers "just leave my boy- I MEAN! my friends alone PZ6!" -_- Milly yelled, close up to him "who the f^ck did you know my name so-" PZ6 asked, cringed-out "YouTube videos. Obviously!" -_- Milly exclaimed "oh crap. We f^ck that those videos are up-" 0-0 PZ740 said "and also leave my friends alone" -_- Milly told the hackers who then began to laugh, sinisterly "why should we?! Your not a youtuber" PZ6 taunted, Milly's face was now heated in anger she launched herself at PZ6, punching him several times and beating him up.

"M-Milly!" Elliot yelled, running over and grabbing Milly then Lydia, Daisy and Clayton rushed over grabbing Milly "LILLIANA!" the teens yelled, facing her, Lilliana had her phone in her hands, filming this "what?!" Lilliana yelled, facing her friends who now had serious facial expressions "fine" -_- Lilliana said, running over and grabbing Milly, the hackers ran over and grabbed PZ6.


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