Report Cards(One-Shot 52)

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The students in the 5th grade receive their report cards..


As the manilla envelopes were passed to the 5A class students, the children opened it and looked at their report cards with many emotions in them, some looked shocked, other looked proud while others.. had bad reactions of opening their report card. "S^it my mom will kill be for this.." Aidan muttered "W-what's wrong?" Cody asked, concerned "mah report card" :'( Aidan said "It's not that bad! I have a C in Maths" :D Cody chirped "I only got Cs, Bs and a B- in attendance" Aidan said.

"I wonder how you got a B- in attendance.." -_- Jayden said, sarcastically.


Aidan and Jayden walked at the park, going home from school until hackers have to jump in their way "hello PZ200 and PZ160" PZ301 sinisterly greeted them "if your here to kidnap us.. DO IT!" Aidan yelled "wait- what-?" PZ11 said, confused "he's just sad about his report card" -_- Jayden tools them "well let's see!" PZ6 exclaimed, grabbing Aidan's report card then opened the envelope, after few minutes of reviewing the report card they stared at Aidan in awkward silence for few seconds "I-" PZ44 said "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GOT A B- IN ATTENDANCE?! I DON'T GET IT!" PZ6 yelled "fun fact.. I don't go to school every day" Aidan said "soooooo.. WHAT DO YOU DO ON THOSE OTHER DAYS" PZ715 yelled.

"Welllllll.." Aidan said, ready to laugh.


"Jasper are you sure about this?" Aidan asked Jasper, they were both outside in front of a house "come on, Aids. This game is for the cool kids" Jasper said, chillingly "ummmmmm.. okay!" :3 Aidan exclaimed, Aidan knocked on the door few times "LET'S GO!" Jasper yelled, they both run off and laugh.

"WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!" PZ715 yelled, opening the door "STUPID KIDS!" he exclaimed, angrily before slamming the door.


"YOU PLAYED DING-DONG DITCH!!" PZ6 yelled "YEP! AND I SOMETIMES JOIN IN!" Jayden yelled "okay.. you boys are f^cked up.. sorry.. we're not kidnapping you two today.." PZ11 said, cringed-out before he and the hackers ran away "B-BUT!" :0 Aidan yelled.


CJ and Haidyn entered the safe house, with their bag packs on their backs "how was school you guys?" Regina asked the girls "great. We received our report cards" :3 CJ said, she and Haidyn handed their report cards to Chad and Vy, they opened it and had amazement in their faces "our grades are not the best.. but we tried" :3 Haidyn said.

"You guys did so amazing!" Vy happily exclaimed, running up to them and hugging them.


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