CRINGEY A^^ QUESTIONS!(One-Shot 56 pt.3)

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"Hello kids" PZ6 sinisterly greeted Lydia and Clayton "OH GAWD-" Clayton yelled, unhappy "yep!" >:) PZ715 sinisterly said "let's get this s^it over with!" Lydia exclaimed, annoyed. "First question!" PZ715 exclaimed "would you Lydia like to date Clayton" *insert leny face* PZ715 said "I- Uh-.. WHAT?!" 0_0 Lydia yelled "m-me and Lydia are just friends!" Clayton exclaimed, his face turning red "YEAH RIGHT!" PZ6 yelled "IT'S OBVIOUS YOU TWO HAVE A THING FOR EACH OTHER!" -_- PZ715 yelled "skip to the next one!" -_-💢Lydia exclaimed, annoyed.

"Would Clayton likes to marry Lydia?" PZ6 asked him, sinisterly smirking at Clayton "s-seriously..?!" Clayton exclaimed "THESE QUESTIONS ARE STARTING TO GET CRINGEY AF!" Lydia yelled "we just want you two to go through hell" >:3 PZ715 said.

Clayton and Lydia's facial expression: T_T


"Keep looking for them SNR!" Daniel exclaimed, he, Regina and SNR are at the park, trying to find Lydia and Clayton "alright master!" SNR replied, he was trying to track down Lydia and Clayton "I think I can sense them.. we have to go that way!" SNR exclaimed before running off "o-okay..?" Regina muttered, she and Daniel then ran off.


"FOR THE 100TH QUESTION!" PZ715 yelled "gee-" -_- Clayton and Lydia said, annoyed "would you two have children with each other? If so. What would you name them?" >:) PZ715 asked "uhhhhh.. I don't know..? Elizabeth..? Brian..?" Lydia replied, awkwardly "wait.. ARE WE FOR OFFICIAL PROJECT ZORGO BUSINESS?!" Clayton yelled "maybe" >:) PZ6 sinisterly said.

Then the wall broke to reveal SNR, he launched himself at PZ6 and PZ715 and started beating them up "SNR?!" Lydia yelled, shocked "who-?" Clayton asked, confused. Daniel and Regina arrived at the room, heavily panting "SNR don't throw the first punch!" Daniel exclaimed "oops" SNR muttered, stopping the punches "sorry master" :( SNR apologised. "Lydia! Clayton!" Regina yelled, running up to them and untying them "are you two okay?! What happened?!" Regina exclaimed, having her protective instincts get the better of her "w-we're okay.. but, PZ6 and PZ715 asked us cringey questions" Lydia replied, awkwardly "oh really? What kind?" Daniel asked, concerned "l-love.." Clayton whispered "WHAT?!" Daniel and Regina yelled.


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