HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: Finding each other(One-Shot 43 pt.2)

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Aidan mumbled in his sleep, as he slowly woken up, he rubbed his eyes, he looked around to see that he was in a house with the lights switched off, he heard a gentle sleeping noise, he looked over to see CJ, hugging his chest, tightly, Aidan hugged CJ back before shaking her up to wake up "five more minutes.." CJ tiredly muttered "we're in a stranger's house!" Aidan exclaimed "what..?" CJ whispered, getting up "w-where are we..?!" CJ yelled with fear filling her voice "I'm not too sure.. but, let's find our friends!" Aidan exclaimed, getting down from the sofa and helping CJ down. They began running past few rooms then heard screams and cries "LET GO OF ME! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU GUYS!" a male and scared voice cried "I recognise that voice.." CJ muttered "Noah!" both Aidan and CJ yelled, they peeked their heads out and saw Noah screaming and crying "shut up Noah Created!" PZ Copy Cat(Emily) yelled at Noah in frustration.

"CC better not hurt mah child!" >:( CJ whispered in anger "CC?" Aidan asked "oh yeah.. that's PZ Copy Cat, PZ11's younger sister and some d^ck you don't wanna deal with" -_- CJ said in a bored voice "let's kill dis blue piece of shrimp!" >:3 Aidan exclaimed "Aidan wait-" CJ said but it was too late.. Aidan ran in "hey lady~" Aidan greeted "P-PZ200?!" PZ Copy Cat(Emily) yelled, pissed-off "it's Aidan's Fun to you lady! And come at me!" Aidan yelled, posing a fighting stance "gladly" she sinisterly said, they both started fighting.

CJ sneaked in and untied Noah "you okay mah precious cinnamon role" 🥺CJ said "y-yep.." Noah stuttered "let's go" CJ said "Aidan let's go!" CJ yelled at Aidan "hold on!" Aidan yelled then got a bat out and hit PZ Copy Cat(Emily) in the face.

The trio kept on running, they were in another living room "who's house is this?! and how many rooms do they have?!" -_-💢💧 Aidan yelled "I-I'm not too sure.." Noah said.

They heard female screaming down the hall "HAIDYN?!" The trio yelled, shocked.


"TELL ME WHERE THE SAFE HOUSE LOCATION IS YOU STUPID LITTLE GIRL!" PZ147(Logan) yelled furiously at Haidyn "NO! I WILL NEVER TELL YOU OR PROJECT ZORGO!" she yelled, tears streaming down, PZ147(Logan) gave an annoyed groan then shocked Haidyn with his stun baton.

"Am I interrupting something..?" PZ101(Vivian) asked, entering the room "this damn girl won't tell me one single thing!" PZ147(Logan) yelled impatiently and in frustration "um.. PZ147.. WHY THE HELL DOES THIS KID LOOK LIKE SHE WILL PASS OUT ANY SECOND NOW?!" 💧💧 PZ101(Vivian) yelled "I shocked her" 😌 PZ147(Logan) said "I-" PZ101(Vivian) said, disturbed.


"Is everyone okay?" Leo asked his friends "I'm good over here" Cody said "me too" Jayden proceeded to talk "I'm okay. But, where are the others?" Eveline asked "they could be here anywhere!" Naomi exclaimed "well let's find them!" Alex exclaimed "agreed!" Ash yelled in agreement then they heard a female scream "H-HAIDYN!" the children yelled before quickly running off. They were met with the other group "Noah?! CJ?! Aidan?!" Leo yelled, shocked "did I heard mah child scream?!" >:( Cody said, furiously, CJ silently nodded "THOSE BI0TCH!" Cody yelled, furiously "f^ck-" CJ said, knowing what will happen.

Cody ran in the room, beating up PZ147(Logan) "GET THIS STUPID KID OFF OF ME!" PZ147(Logan) yelled. "Yep.. do not helping.." PZ101(Vivian) said before jumping out of the window and flying down with the help of a parachute. "Cody, stop!" CJ yelled with her and Eveline running in and grabbing him by the arms, Eveline came in and untied Haidyn. "I'm so glad your okay, Haid" Noah said, hugging Haidyn and Noah, Haidyn smiled and patted his back "now, let's go!" Jayden exclaimed "b-but.. mah candy!" :'( Aidan said "we're gonna have to leave the candy cause we don't know where it is" Ash said "NUHHHHHHHHHHHH" :'(T_T Aidan cried.


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