Fto: Hurt and Pain

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Ritchie and Brandon were currently in argument with each. The start of the argument was being of a backhand committed about Ritchie not telling him things.

Brandon: "Why cant you be responsible for once in your life!"

Ritchie: "I am responsible!"

Brandon: "Haha, no. You are not responsible, if you were I would've have been stuck with that psychopath or the one to be handed the throne."

Brandon started to walk the door, then back to the middle of their office. Ritchie was following Brother's steps as the continued to argue. At some point Brandon blocked Ritchie off on their twin link. That made Ritchie panic and experience a little PTSD, this caused the arguing to spike. Brandon stormed to where everyone was at the table drinks.

Ritchie: "Where are you going?"

Brandon: "I'm leaving."

David: "Woah, where to boss man?"

Brandon: "Anywhere but here, I'm done. Done with the lying, the secrets, the mistreated, the ignorance, just done."

Brandon was for the majority of that glaring at Ritchie.

Ritchie: "Bro-"

Lara: "Maybe we should c-"

Kit: "No, dont get in the middle of this, that's not safe."

Brandon: "Don't Brandon or brother me! You know since o got back everything been different and I've been treated different. So I'm leaving because I cant deal with your everything and your lying and secrets."

Lucas: "Come on Brandon, just because of things David said isn't reason to leave and you know how he is. I can't speak for Ritchie though."

Blake: "He's your brother and brothers fight all the time."

David: "Listen, we already know what happens when we leave this one in charge of the guild. So how about you stay and you're not losing your magic, so its finee.

Plant ran and wrapped themselves around Brandon's legs.

Inmo: "Wait with that logic wouldn't it be better if Sir Ritchie left, since he caused alot of the problems like killing green Lo'Pho."

Kit: "His name is Tapio!"

Lara: "That wasn't nice Inmo. Ritchie he didn't mean that."

Brandon: "I don't know, Inmo and David has a point."

Devin: "That's a little too hard on him guys, don't you think?"

Kit: "Kinda?"

David: "You would think that lover boy."

Eden: "Actually this one denied his feelings after leading him on."

Kit: "You hurt the beans feeling!"

David: "Wow, cold, just cold."

Devin: "It wasn't like that!"

Everyone was  talking at once around the room causing chaos. Ritchie has been holding back tears, this fight was getting to him and now this.

Ritchie: "FINE! I'll go!"

Ritchie stormed blinked out of the room and gathered some of his things before he left. Brandon's glaring got everyone to quit down as he got a drink.


Ritchie held onto his bag of clothes as he visited Oakley, he did have a stuffed sunflower for him. There wasn't anyone at La Carnival or at least no one that he ran into. After moving Oakley into Flurry's room, she gave him a key so he could always check up on him.

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