mho n random

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*possible and ther are spoilers*

Sds Brandon will nom on the others randomly. He tends 5o do this more when tired and trys to avoid doing this to Ritchie, for obvious reasons. The others learned to deal with this.

Cpg Randis will break his inventions, just so he can rebuild them.


I've seen people's theory and art about Artemis and his hair. I too have one that's a little different them they others, some say his hair being full black is him at 100% power. However for me its him using 0% of his quirk.

Artemis eye sight is so bad he has to use his quirk to see. Since he's only using his quirk somewhat he still needs glasses.

Artemis will not hesitate to disable someone that hurts his family.

Clover is definitely very strong, they broke down a door.

Kol is definitely about to very possibly kill more people soon. Aka the people that took Flex

Can Kol just get some help?

This bit of song fits Kol

Can, can I just have more stories with Kol? Please, I want the angst with happy end for Him of even just happy stuff with him.

I would have liked if his father, Gary, survived and he'd have to be stuck him a situation where Gary was fighting over Momkey over him.

-April 30,2021-

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