SDS: Doll

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Ritchie was been having a rough month. All his dates have been depressing. If it wasn't consoling, it was people trying to take advantage of him. Tried to only have sex or they use him as a punching bag. He, despite what people thought, was trying to get into an actual relationship. In the end these people was using him for statist or he was too affectionate and clingy for them.

Ritchie started to think about the others. Sure they can be mean, but he still loves them. Yep, the sin of lust, flirty boi himself was in love. His flirting with them are genuine. If you pay close attention you can hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes, something he lacks when he's flirting with others.



Michael and the others were at the table eating and drinking tea.

Brandon: "What are we going to do?$

Michael: "about what?"

David: "Ritchie."

They all sat in silence as they all were thinking. Their hearts hurting when they thought about Ritchie. They all loved him, but he was just another player so they shoved their feelings down for him.

Brandon: "How about we give him a little of what he wants?"

David: "You mean give him some of the attention he wants?"

Brandon: "Yes, it might make him slow down or stop of we do. If it gets worse we can do what we always done and enore him or let him go on all the dates he wants."

Michael: "I s'pose so, only if you guys are in."

They all nodded at eachother as Ritchie walked in. Ritchie walked infront of them.

Ritchie: "Hello lovelys~"

Michael: "How was your date?"

David went behind Ritchie as Brandon floated to his leftside.

Ritchie: "It was great my munchkin~"

Ritchie was suddenly pulled back onto David's chest, Brandon pulled him into a soft kiss. At first Ritchie was confused and didn't know what was happening, but relaxed and kissed back. He shuttled when he felt David kissing on this neck. Michael made his way over and kissed his hand.

Brandon pulled away slowly, Ritchie following his lips alitte

Ritchie: "I, um, wow. Did my charm finally sway you all~"

Michael: "Mmm, maybe~"

Ritchie was going to replay but was pulled into a kiss by David. Brandon was playing with Ritchie's hair and helping Michael get up to Ritchie's neck to kiss. When David pulled away Ritchie only had a couple seconds before Michael took his place.

Ritchie melted into their affection and eagerly returned it. For the first couple of minutes al he felt from them was love, but it slowly stopped and turned aggressive and unloving.


The others was enjoying having Ritchie like this, but slowly remembered that Ritchie wouldn't want to stay or won't be in a committed relationship with them. This made them feel bitter and sad, becoming more aggressive.


Ritchie let them continue, hoping that he could help. He completely opened himself up and tried to sent back love. He was trying and hoping they would. Ritchie was suddenly pushed back, hitting the table.


Michael: "There you go."

Ritchie was a little confused and hurt, though the others couldn't see his face.

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