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If the twins were deaged

-No memory at all-

I feel like Ritchie and Brandon would be hostile and attack the others if the get too close. They won't eat anything unless they saw it being prepared and one of the others take a but out of it. Ritchie was the more timid one. Once warmed up they will openly express their amazement to the others magic.

-Only a feeling of familiarity-

They will be on guard but will not attack the others unless provoked. The will still be a little cautious of the food. They will also be more likely ask to see the others do their magic, not all the times they want to see it. This is only to the ones they been around for years, so Kit, Imno, and Lucas will still be treated kinda hostile. Not alot because the people they are familiar with is around them. Tapio gets a pass because he's a cat.

-Semi remembers-

They will be very caring and loving to the others. They won't make a fuss with eating, will eagerly(?) ask the others to do their magic whenever they want to see it, and will ask them to do random things from playing with them to holding them.

-Fully remembers-

They will still try to act like older them, but will fail. Ritchie will still be timid and Brandon less patient faster. They will try to do their normal activities even if they can get hurt, this makes the others have to say on their toes. They will still be easily upset or hurt when they were that age and even though they kinda have an adult mind, they still act like kids. They will try and not act amazing at the others doing magic, however you can tell by the face thet Ritchie and Brandon make.

-All if them-

Ritchie is more timid than Brandon.

Brandon is easier to anger.

Never separate them. If you do they will lose it and might start hurting themselves while trying to find their way back to eachother.

If you let them have their magic will make them even more dangerous and hard to handle.

-June 15,2020-

Headcanons and maybe one-shots Where stories live. Discover now