Fto: Sorry Pt2

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Brandon and Devin came crashing to the ground infront of their guild, Flurry, and Yamitsu as they were spit out of the portal. Brandon tried to sit up and yell at his brother.

Brandon: "RI-ACK!"

Brandon fell into a coughing fit as the blight started spread. He had a hand over his mouth and his chest as his body shook violently. Everyone was freaking out about Brandon, David was patting his back as Devin rifled through Brandon's pocket. Amira came tumbling out of the portal as it closed behind her.

Devin pulled out four letters and two viles. One letter was addressed to the guild, one to Brandon, one to Flurry/Oakley, and one to Devin. The viles had words that were sweet, short, and straight to the point. One side 'Healing Drink' and the other said 'Skin Healing Rub.'

Devin quickly took the vile that said 'Healing Drink' and forced Brandon to drink it. Brandon did choke on the liquid when it went down his throat. Amira was hugging her brother afraid he was going to die. Brandon hugged her back as his coughing begins to slow.

Flurry: "Can someone explain what the hell just happened!?"

Allumos: "All in due time, right now we have to make sure Brandon is alright."

Kit: "Are you ok Brandon?"

Brandon's voice was a little ruff and held some anger.

Brandon: "I'm fINe, now where is my brother because I'm going to kill him."

Lucas: "He's....he's not here?"

Blake: "No, he should've followed behind them."

Yamitsu: "Can someone explain what happened?"

Brandon looked around for his brother before his eyes settled to the letters. He picked up the letter addressed to him and left the others on the floor. Devin grabbed the one addressed to him and handed the one that was addressed to Flurry and the one addressed to guild to Lucas for him to read to the others.

Dear Brandon,

          By the time you get this you'll be back home, or at least I hope so and you didn't go snooping. I'm sorry for how I've been treating you, I'm sorry for everything I've put you through, I'm sorry for pushing you so much. I wish I was a better brother, a better person, if I was none of this would've happened. I hope this could make up a least a little bit of what I did. I know I have no room to talk or even tell you what to do, I gave that right away when I spent a year drunk, but I want you to take care of yourself and take good care of the guild and Oakley for me. Can you also be there for Devin too? God I'm already running out of room, I guess I need to cut this short, I do need to write 3 more.  Below father should have a letter attached about the eye and you have the viles to heal you up and clear your skin.

           Love your brother,

Dear Devin,

          Hey, I where do I start? I want to say sorry. I know we promise to to say by eachothers sides and I really wanted that to be true. You made me feel so much better, you made me fell human and not hate myself as much as I did for what I did and failed to do. Thank you for being by my side and not constantly pointing out every mistake I do, every mess up. You really were the light in the darkness for me, so please do the same for my brother and keep him on the right path, don't let him turn into me. I was a complete disaster. I know I'm probably hurting you by doing this, but this was the only way I could get you all home before anything could happen. I'm not 100% sure if i read the signs right, but if I did I love you too, and I want you to move on from me because you can do wayyy better then a sleazball like me. Please try to move onto someone better and forget about me. Also can you tell Michael I'm sorry.

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