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We see how Ritchie is a drunk mess after Brandon's disappearance. He even threatened to eat them one the account of his demon. Why am I getting at this well he started kinda acting like the version of himself from this world.

So what I'm getting at is when the twins we know and love can't feel eachother Ritchie will because more cold and cannibalistic and Brandon will become insane and childish.

The reason why the demons took Ritchie and Brandon over easily was because they were stressed, confused, tired, and close to being unconscious. This let them take over with little fush.

David will deck someone for bad mouthing his guild mates. He wouldn't do it in-front of the guild mate that is being made fun of unless they don't try to defend themselves. He will still make jabs at the person no matter what.

( I think Daveed came in the yugioh series that Ritchie did before he came into Origins of Olympus. I was speed watching his series and David played a character with the same name. I'm not 100% sure because I didn't look at when it was posted)
-August 3,2020-

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