Fto: Anger

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Ritchie was paying his respect to Tapio at his new grave when Kit came by.

Kit: "What are you doing here?"

Ritchie: "Paying my respect."

Kit: "Haha, funny seeing as your the one that put him here. Just, just leave."

Ritchie walked away passing Lucas as he went. Lucas didn't say anything but sad the sadness in his eyes, he also seen Kit. Lucas went up to Kit.

Lucas: "How are you holding up?"

Kit: "Great seeing as my friend is dead."

Lucas: "There is no need for that."

Kit: "I'm sorry."

Lucas: "Its ok, just try and get some sleep."

With that Lucas walked away.


Ritchie was for once in an ok mood as he hummed to himself, checking out the new island. He just happened to bump into Kit, knocking her and her stuff to the ground. Ritchie tried to help but Kit snapped.

Kit: "I dont need a friend, family killing murderer to help me!"

Ritchie: "I'm sorry."

Kit: "Sorry doesn't bring him back."

Ritchie kept a semi blank face as he walked away, guilt, sadness, anger, and hatred filled his mind. David happened to pass and went to help Kit.

David: "Did you trip and fall debi?"

Kit: "That- No Ritchie bumped into me and I didn't want his help."

David: "I see thunder brian caused this."

David helped her clean up before going to his garden.


Ritchie was setting up his office when Kit went to get paperwork.

Ritchie: "I'm doing those Kit."

Kit: "I don't think I can trust you giving the past year. If Brandon was here this wouldn't have happened."

Inmo dragged Blake into the office.

Inmo: "Sure we would like to go on this quest. Don't worry I'll be showing her the ropes."

Ritchie was going to look at the quest, but Kit beat him to it. She reviewed it before saying they can go.

Blake: "I thought only the guild leader could do that."

Kit: "I con because while he was drunk I did all the papers."

They all left Ritchie in his office, luckily Inmo got Kit to leave without taking any paperwork. Ritchie got to work.


Mario was being some terraforming around his house when he saw Kit and Ritchie. It looked like Kit was ignoring Ritchie, but then I looked like the snapped. Mario wasn't sure if Kit slapped Ritchie because he looked away to see Inmo flying with Plant on his back, whe he looked back they both were walking separate ways.


Mario, Lucas, Plant, David, Inmo, and Blake were gathered around.

David: "Why are we here pebbles?"

Mario: "I'm going to exnore that, but its about Ritchie and Kit."

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