fto n mho

507 11 1

Ok, but what if the twins were from here.(yes I know I do this alot.) So different things could have happened.

1. The kingdome they were from was at war or threat of it. The parents not wanting to risk their heirs at risk they sent them to another country. So to be less suspicious they split the twins up and gave them to people with similar quirks.

The adoptive parents didn't know of their origins. The parents had it so Ritchie and Brandon's appearance would always be different then their normal one until they got to come home.

(2 is almost the same concept as 1)

2.They twins went with people assigned by their parents to this new country until it was deemed safe to go home.

Due to cerinstanses the parents lost track of their kids, but couldn't make an effort to find them because it wasn't safe. They couldn't start to look for them until they were 10.

The parents did find them while they were in school, but they made a deal. They got to go to school, but every break or long period of off time, they have to go home. Ritchie/Kol still got to see Momkey, but not as much as he wanted. Ritchie and Brandon were also forced not to tell the people they went to school with.

3. We can ignore that the twins are royalty and say they were separated at birth. The father didn't want two sons so he arranged for one of his sons to 'die'.

It took them both time to get use to eachother, but not too long. They still still didn't let their classmates know. Ritchie/Kol always dyed his hair and Brandon just let his quirk change its color. They both decided to change their name to match some.

Why don't they have their quirks in fto? Well they were hit with a quirk that made it almost impossible to ever use their quirks again and they were hit with one that made it so the twins couldn't talk about it.

If you went them still being royalty the parents would've had people do this to the twins to 1.stop them from being true heroes and 2. To stop them from running away.

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