Fto: Torture

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Ritchie sat strapped to his chair with Abraham infront of him. Ritchie prior to this moment managed to get Flurry and his son out, however he left himself unguarded leading to his second capture. Abraham took extra precisions to keep Ritchie trapped and unable to move.

Ritchie: "So what's your big plan now?

Abraham: "I wasn't expecting you to pull a stunt like that, but you're still here and I can get all the information I can out of you, I might as well have my fun too. After all I'm in no rush."

Abraham walked around Ritchie a couple of times. Ritchie was going to make a remark, but Abraham shoved his hand inside his body. Ritchie let out a short scream as he bit his tongue. He didn't want to give Abraham the satisfaction of making him scream. Ritchie felt like he was being burnt alive and torn apart at the same time. His screams still muffled as Abraham slowly pulled out his lacrima.

Abraham: "Now can you tell me about that god slayer of yours?"

Ritchie: "Y-ou can look on a mirror and go fuge yourself."

Abraham: "Wrong answer."

Ritchie spit the blood from biting his tongue at Abraham. Abraham scowled as he shoved the lacrima back inside Ritchie ruffly.


Flurry landed somewhere holding her son, her baby that was now an adult. She recognized this place as being near her guild hall. Flurry put him on her back and ran as fast as she could, she couldn't stop not when Ritchie said there was a chance of saving her, no their son. She exnored Davis and Yamitsu as she carried her son and called an emergency guild leaders meeting.

Yamitsu: "Woah, woah! Slow down Flurry."

Yamitsu and David were following her as he ran to get to the area they would usually meet before it was distorted. She would dodge the others when they tried to grab her.

Davis: "Where are you going and who is this."

Flurry: "It's Indo- well it's Oakley, it's my son. I-I need to get to the the meeting area, so I can save him."

Davis: "I thought he was a kid?! What happened?!"

Flurry: "Time-time magic! Captured!"

Flurry and the others made it to the meeting area. Yamitsu and Davis were doing their best to help keep Oakley stable. The other guild leaders arrived roughly at the same time.

Lo'Pho: "Why did yo-What has happened?!"

Brandon: "Indolus?"

Flurry: "Please help him! His lacrima was ripped out."

Lo'Pho: "If it was a lacrima I cant help because that was all his magic, I can only pro-"

Flurry: "No! His natural magic he still has his natural magic, please you have to save him! Please save my son!"

The others were caught off guard, but Lo'Pho got to work. Brandon was helping Lo'Pho with healing, seeing as he hams that capability to an extent.

Bryan: "How is this grown man your son?"

Flurry: "Time magic."

Brandon: "Flurry where's my brother? The last I saw him he was looking for you."

Flurry: "That's another reason I called this meeting he was capture, he stayed behind so I could escape with Oakley."

Mitch: "So lightning boy got himself captured."

Mithes voice held amusement.

Allumos: "That is quite unfortunate, but why call all of us?"

Brandon: "Who."

Brandon's voice was cold

Flurry: "A memory make, um Mitch no that was an alias. His name was..Abraham, Abraham!"

Brandon, Allumos, Lo'Pho, and Mitch stopped at that name.

Allumos: "That is not good, we need a search parity now!"

Mitch: "No one goes in a group without 2 S ranks or one SS rank."

Bryan: "Why?"

Lo'Pho: "This is the same man after us god slayers and the one that managed to capture Michael."

Bryan: "WHAT!, But, but that's like impossible!"

Yamitsu: "I'm sorry but how is this Michael guy and what the actual hell is happening?"

Bryan: "He's a shadow god slayer and an assassin that's never caught."

Brandon: "We are going to save my brother. Now do you know where he is?"

Allumos: "No, not with your Jupiter situation. You will stay at your island with Lo'Pho, ready to heal your brother."

Bryan: "The more the merrier and Jupiter?"

Lo'Pho: "No, he is right this man is after god slayers and it would be bad if he gets his hands on me. If Brandon is having problems with Jupiter it would be wise if he stayed behind too. Lucas will also help us in the healing of Ritchie and this Oakley."

After half an hour of planning Brandon agreed to stay behind with Lucas and Lo'Pho, they took Michael so he could shadow travel them to the infirmary. Flurry decided to stay by Oakley as Jakey worked to turn him back to normal.


Ritchie sat in the chair bearly concious. He was covered in blood from all the times Abraham his hit him and took out with lacrima over and over again. Blood was allover his chin form his mouth. Abraham just has talking his lacrima our again. Ritchie was no longer able to hold his screaming in and when Abraham was talking he'd stuff his mouth shut.

Abraham: "This all could've been avoided if told me wat I wanted. Hey now don't fall asleep on me, I an't done with ya and if you did it'd be a waste of my drug."

Abraham shoved the lacrima back into Ritchie drawling out another muffled scream from behind the cloth. Abraham pulled the lacrima a quarter of the way out when we was fored to move, sending the lacrima back into Ritchie.

Abraham: "What in the."

Bryan: "In the name of the Protectors stop!"

Allumos: "So I take it your this Abraham fellow. I hope your ready to die."

Abraham sent an attack to the intruders anly for Yamitsu to absorb it. Viper sent a poison attack at him as Michael and Kay got Ritchie. Apone being released Ritchie collapsed and passed out, everyone else kept Abraham busy.


Ritchie was currently laying in his bed recovering from the torture Abraham put him through. Brandon was sitting in a chair next to him, so he can constantly monitor his brothers condition and a small child that appeared to be around seven was laying next to him. It's safe to say the guild wouldn't let anyone near the twins bedroom anytime soon.

(1068 words. I originally wasn't going to do this, but here we are.)

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