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Spoilers for the latest episode

Ritchie and Brandon aren't use to praises, so they can easily get flustered at it.

Apparently in a  La Carnival they were asking questions and when babies came up Flurry and maybe Jazz got skittish (I didn't watch this). Anyways she knows Ritchie and from what I'm getting they were together.

I think she had a miscarriage, the baby died, or she aborted them.

Even when evil and possessive bits and pieces or Ritchie and Brandon would seep out.  They would be rare moments.

Divinus Magia will help La Carnival, not just because of Flurry but because they want to also help the homeless and misfortuned people of Alantied.

EverydayIsSpoopyDay posted a chapter with a meme about Indolus being Ritchie and Flurry's child. This can be possibly have happened.

Yamitsu (Devin's other character) acts so tough but is a big softy

-October 7,2020-

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