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The 'lord' that Biblico hears is actually his demon messing with him. Him being the holy devil slayer he is means his demon can corrupt him. The hard life and how young he was is what let him be so easily controlled.

Biblico still loves his sister, but he's so deep in the darkness that he's stuck  with Ritchie's episode you could tell he still cared deeply for his sister with the slight hurt you could hear in his voice.

Lara is amazing and I'm so proud of her for standing up to her slightly abusive and manipulative brother.

-December 16,2020-

Mrs.P is the same Mrs.P from Salode/Alantied. Mrs.P somehow came to Salode hundreds of years ago and faked her death so she could return home.

I feel bad for Devin, but I'm proud of Ritchie for admitting he's not ready to enter a relationship. I know he flirted and kinda lead Devin on, but he does have a crush on him because he did flirt back and you can see with how flustered he gets with Devin.

I get why people are mad at Ritchie, but do they really think Ritchie would kept his brother in danger if he didn't know for sure he could help him. Like he lost his brother for a year.

-December 17,2020-

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