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Austin's mother was the only one who loved him in his old pack and tried to protect him from harm, as well as teaching him how to survive in the wild. She managed to keep Austin in the pack as long as she could,  until she fell ill and died.

Austin lived in the pack till he was 5. While in the pack he experienced lots of hate and some physical harm. Because of how he was treated and kicked out of the pack he now as a fear of abandonment and would do anything to make the people he care about smile.

Rian's old pack did not like him nor his parents. The pack would call them horrible names <monster, freak, worthless, wasted space> and excluded him from any friendly games. He did have friends at one point but they turned and betrayed him. Leave him with trouble trusting people to look out for him.

Whenever he is sick or injured he tries to hide it till he is all better.

When the feral werewolves attack the pack purposely led them to Rin's home hoping that they would kill them all. There were still other victims than his parents. This is why in Ritchie's last(?) episode the parents berating him finally broke him.

Austin and Ritchie didn't start to fight and bicker like they do until they grow close together. Whenever one feels that they overstepped the boundaries they apologize in their own unique way.

The reason Bri and Devin are obsessed with music is because that was the only freedom and escape they had from their mothers.

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