Fto: smol childs

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Divinis Magia was having a 'normal' meeting, at least what was normal for them. The meeting was halfway down when Ritchie and Brandon was uncomfortably clearing their throats.

Ritchie: "I'll continue what I was saying when I get a drink."

Brandon nodded and was going to get them glasses when David and Mario offered them a drink.

David: "You can have theses. The lady pebble brain and I had to help gave them to us."

Mario: "Don't call me that! Anyway feel free to take it if you want."

Brandon and Ritchie: "Thank you both."

They took and drank whatever was in the bottles and gently set them down. They were about to continue the meeting when they both started to feel dizzy and swayed. The guild looked at them in worry and was about to say something when they both fell to the ground.


As the people in the back got to where they can see the leaders, they were met with the sight of kids. Ritchie and Brandon was sitting in a pile of their clothes, their ponchos were the only thing keeping them covered.

David: "Hahahahah, my god this...this is too good!"

Everyone was laughing and aweing at them. Brandon's and Ritchie's faces became flushed in anger, but mainly embarrassment. Their eyes had tears in them, not that the others noticed.

Ritchie: "Shut up stwppew!"

Brandon: "Nu, we still leadews n need wespect!"

Brandon's voice was softer then Ritchie's even though he was yelling. Ritchie had sparks around him.

Inmo: "You look so cute though."

Lucas: "We'll have to get you clothes. Here let me... OW!"

Ritchie shocked and hit him away when he tried to fix the poncho to stay like a over sized shirt around him so nothing could show. Ritchie and Brandon held their ponchos tightly around them.

Kit: "I'll get them some clothes."

Kit leaves to get some clothes for a woman nearby.

Brandon: "We do still dults."

Ritchie: "Nu need help."

Mario: "We just wanted to make sure your ok because right now you look and sound like kids."

Ritchie: "Chu wan lighten?!"

Ritchie was sparking more, but Brandon hugged him calming him down.

Bjorn: "What's happening here and why do those kids have our leaders ponchos and clothes?"

Brandon: "It us Bjown. Snowfake n Pebbless gave us dwink, this happen.

Ritchie: "Will punish fow it."

David: "What do you meeean? I didn't know it would do this, I thought it was regular koolaid."

Lucas: "How about we all eat?"

Lucas was holding his hand as it had a slight burn mark.

David: "Why are you holding your hand raindrop?"

Lucas: "Just a little mark from Ritchie shocking me."

Ritchie looks over at his hand looking a little sad, but quickly covered it up before the others noticed. Inmo lefted to get some Pb&J sandwiches for their leaders.

Ritchie: "That what chu get."

Inmo returned with two premade PB&J's and gave them to the twins.

Headcanons and maybe one-shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora