Fto: Sorry Pt3

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Its been 3 days since the majority of Divinus Magia and Grimshade got back from Salode. The mood around the place was sour. When Brandon was getting the medicine put on him he explained to the rest of his guild, Flurry, and Yamitsu about them getting stuck in Salode. Everyone reacted as well as you can expect when your guild leader is being forced to marry a crazy psycho of a woman.

Everyone was trying to help come up with plans to help save Ritchie and get them all home. Brandon was stuck on bed rest and was asleep for the majority of their time back, the medicine took alot out of him. Devin was watching over Brandon and making sure he stayed in bed. When he would go to sleep he'd use Ritchie's bed, so he wouldn't have to leave Brandon alone.

Brandon and Devin where alone when this girl appeared in the room with them. She was the same girl he saw appear infront or Brandon when he was alone in Salode. Brandon was sitting on his bed.

Brandon: "Oh, it's you again....wait Aura?"

Aura: "Hi Brandon, I'm glad you finally recognize me."

Brandon: "I'm sorry about that, I didn't have magic there. How was you there if there was no magic?"

Aura: "Did your father not tell you that there was a way to still have your magic?"

Brandon face harden a little as his eye twitched. Devin was staying quiet, not really knowing what to do.

Brandon: "Great, another thing my father has kept from us. Can you please tell me how to keep my magic when in Salode, please?"

Aura: "Of course I can, but why are you going back?"

Brandon: "I need to save my brother."

Aura: "I see."

Aura started to explain and show Brandon and Devin on what to do to be able to use magic in the other world. When Aura was done she dissapeared and Brandon, with the help of Devin, gathered everyone that was willing to help get Ritchie back.


Ritchie woke up feeling a world full of dread. Today was the day he was to marry Francesca. So far Ritchie been able to avoid being alone with her, this gave him safety from her craziness. Francesca had the habit of acting all sweet and nice infront of others, so nobody believed him or his brother when they told them what she would do to them. His father entered his room.

Soren: "Get up and out of bed my boy! It's your wedding day. Your mother is helping your wife and I'll be helping you prepare for the day. You have no idea how proud we are of you. Your mother was crying almost all night about her baby getting married."

Ritchie: "Oh yea? Mother was always emotional."

Soren: "You're telling me? You're forgetting she's my wife, so I'm use to it. Now we expect you both to make us grandparents within the next 3 years, well grandparents again because actually wantto meet this one."

Ritchie face was strained as he tries to be polite and listen to his father was saying.

Ritchie: "Yea, we'll try."


Ritchie was standing at the altar dressed in a white suit with a baby blue tie. His hair was pinned back some, nobody was allowing him to wear his yellow headband at the wedding. His mother was standing next to him fawning over him. Their wedding was taking place in the courtyard. The parents want the official wedding to be private and later they were going to do a public wedding.

The music began to play as his father walked Francesca down the walk way. She was wearing a lacy dress that was almost identical to his mother's old wedding dress. Soon Francesca stood facing Ritchie. The pastor made then old hands.

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