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Ritchie has the ability to make a person have sex with him using his incubus powers, however he likes more of a consent. He rather constantly ask and flirt with a person then take them when their mind is not fully there.

Both his human looking form and his grey one is his nature state.

(I'm not sure how this works in the anime, but this is what I'm headcanoning.)

The demon clan has a ranking order. The giant big mindlessly demons are at the bottom, this is followed by the color of the demons.

Reds are the least powerful in terms of raw power. Grey's are one of the most powerful and rarer just under the royalty.

No matter the color with enough time, training, and effort a red demon could take on a grey one without breaking a sweat.

Demons have subsections, like being an incubus/succubus. That doesn't effect their status in life, despite the names they get called. It just defines their nature power and secondary food source.

Incubus and succubus are demons of pleasure, anything a person takes great pleasure in they could feed off of. They are able to store this energy to be used in emergency situations. Be careful they can take your soul and just tou as a puppet, especially the ones that are more sexual.

Delta does monthly checkups on everyone to meals sure they are in top shape. Dispite hating when its Ritchie's turn.

Lucas will curl around the closet person if he's not warm enough when alseep.

Brandon has  one of the best immune system.

David is self esteem plummets when the sun sets/is down.


SAO! I can't wait to see how the new series turns out. I just hope that they don't burn themselves out again.

If you can't tell by now Ritchie's character are almost always my favorite. Can anyone tell me what that flower Ritchie's character has is called?

-March 14,2022-

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