Immortals: Bird?

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Ritchie woke up with a start, his body was itchy and felt uncomfortable. He let out a whine as he tossed and turned in his bed. His wings came out and refused to dissapeare when he we tried to get rid of them. Just as Ritchie attempted to get out of bed Franklin pushed his head back down, giving Ritchie a look.

Ritchie: "Franklin I have to get ready I can't just lay herer-"

Ritchie let out another whine as his body flashed on fire and rippled, seemingly trying to shift its shape but failing. Franklin gave him a even more intense stare, crossing his hands.

Ritchie: "It not-not that ba-bad. I, I um."

Ritchie eyes seemed to gloss over before fire engulfed him. Franklin left out certain items because leaving though the window. He made sure it was all the way closed and that it locked itself.


Michael and Austin were waiting by the fountain in the park for Ritchie to show up. Whenever someone would look at them funny they would return it with a glare. Michael started to whisper yell.

Michael: "What's taking that darn phoenix, it's been 2 hours!"

Austin: "I don't know! He said he'd be here by now, heck hes always early. Where are you going?!"

Michael: "I'm going to his apartment to give him a piece of my mind!"

Austin: "I'm coming too!"


It took about on hour before Austin and Michael arrived outside of Ritchie's apartment door.

Austin: "Are you sure this is his room?"

Michael: "Yes I am. Ritchie open up!"

As Michael knocked on his door screeching and banging could be heard. Michael tried to open the door, but it was locked. Michael's voice was seeping with anger as he kept his voice down.

Michael: "I don't know what that darn phoenix is doing, but if he doesn't open up soon I'll brake his door down!"

Austin: "Step back I got this."

Austin used his magic to unlock the door. After they got into Ritchie's  apartment Austin closed and locked the door again. Looking around the room they could see all of the messes that were made. There were things knocked over, thing on the floor, somethings shattered, there was scorched marks everywhere, and fire.

Austin: "What happend here?"

Michael: "I don't know. Seems like that phoenix threw a fi- SCREECH!"

Both Michael and Austin ducked as a flaming bird dived boomed them. The bird flew over them before landing on the table. The fire went out, leaving a bird with red,orange, and yellow feathers. The bird had its wings raised shaking them as it let out chirps.

Michael: "What the heck Ritchie! Why were you late and why are you in that stupid form of yours?!"

The bird screeched as it tilted his head. The others walked closer to him and sat down at the table.

Austin: "Why is your appointment a mess?"

Ritchie just looks at him before walking up to Austin rubbing his head an his hand. Austin and Michael shared a confused look, Michael looking amused after a couple seconds. Austin used his hand to pet and scratch at Ritchie's head.

Michael: "He's actually acting like a bird brain."

Austin: "This is int-A note?"

Austin picked up the note and examined the slopy handwriting on note. Ritchie moved from Austin's hand to picking at Michael's hand. Michael kept moving his hand away, but Ritchie would follow it.

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