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MakabreLiverpool I raise you to the twins being like Sari if they were in transformers.(yes I know I commented this)

Ritchie now try to takes off the coat(?) thing so he doesn't ruin it with his magic. Especially if he's in that red form.

Mori(?) and Biblico are the beans of the group. Contrary to what people think Zaine is good with kids, you just need to get him to stop with his innuendoes.

There shall now be a group/club formed for people from another world. The twins would be the presidents.

When fighting Jupiter Ritchie will be hesitant and with holding his lightning a little afraid he'd  kill Brandon too.

Brandon will be having a talk with everyone that let his brother get that bad.

I'm disappointed that they all let Ritchie get that bad. His guild could have asked for help to stop Ritchie drinking from others. Michael is just as bad because he took Ritchie to theses places to destroy dark guilds, but didn't help him get sober.

At first I excused him because I thought he was too busy looking for his wife and Brandon and trusted Divinis Magia to help Ritchie, but thay wasn't the case.

I love Kay but sometimes her lack of empathy to humans get me. Sometimes she couldn't care less if it was a human, but if you say it was an animal she'd be out the door in a second (not that I can blame her).

-Have a small story-

Jupiter was holding a meeting when Zaine hit Biblico with a potion. Smoke erupted blocking Biblico from sight. A small cry was heard and when the smoke cleared Biblico was gone, at least until you looked down. Standing there was Biblico in oversized clothing, he was pretty much drowning in his cloak.

Zaine: "Hah, Mmm, it appears Biblico has shrunken, master can I play with him~"

Jupiter: "No."

Mori(I hope I'm spelling their name right): "This is weird."

Biblico let out a whine and a yawn.

Jupiter: "Can you understand us?"

Dispite the oversized clothing you could tell he nodded. Biblico was whining and had his arms and overly long sleeve up, he was facing Jupiter. Jupiter raised an eyebrow before picking him up by. Biblico managed to remover himself to lay in his arms, Jupiter doing most of the work with confusion on his face.

Biblico: "T*Yawn*ank maswe, dada. Zzzz"

Biblico tried to call him Master Jupiter, but his mind shifted and had him call Jupiter his dad. The others were dying of laughter before he threatened them causing them all to leave. Jupiter used the oversized cloak he was wearing and wrapped him up more. Jupiter continued what he was doing with a sleeping Biblico in his arms. Mori and Zaine were tasked with finding a cure.

(Yea, I decided this shall be the 100th chapter)

Edit- Montavious is also the big bean!

-September 2020-

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