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So what I'm getting from recent episode is that Raijin has an almost alternative self which is Tempestas. I say they are the same demon just at different levels because in Ritchie's 25 episode he said Demon King Ritchie had control of 2 not 3 demons.

Like Raijin/Tempestas can split into two, they are still the same person. This is because if Ritchie received his full power he would have died, anyone would have died, so he split himself into two.

I'm not sure if I ship Ritchie and Devin or not. It was cute how Devin was there of him and how Ritchie in return is helping Devin.

I like how David and Lucas went up because Ritchie and Brandon were taking too long.

Bryan needs to realise Lucas had to train harder then him because he was fighting for his life in the demon book for 6 months.

I feel bad for Allumos because he's have PTSD moments.

Why can't these people get a break.

So I can imagine this thanks to MakabreLiverpool and their color blind Ritchie.

Ritchie holding two different shades of red and green wires or something. He was just starting to where they are supposed to go.

David: "What's taking you so long! Just put the reds with the reds and the greens with the greens!"

Inmo: "Sir Ritchie it's easy!"

Ritchie was just starting at what he had in his hand tring to see where they go. Brandon would usually help him, but thinks to the task of the game they all were playing he couldn't.

Yamitsu: "What's taking you so long, anger issues."

Ritchie: "It's harder then it looks."

David: "It's the easiest thing to do came on!"

Ritchie: "Ohh, I'm sorry are you the one that's color blind? No, then shut up while I try to figure this out!"

Yamitsu:" Tch, the ones in your left hand goes to the right in the order you are holding them and the ones in you're left hand goes to the right also in the order you're holding them."

-November 12,2020-


What of the twins had the sun and moon drop from Rapunzel the animated series?

Since Brandon's hair is white I'd give him the sun stone (Even though it turns the hair golden yellow) because the sun is made of fire and fire can be white. Ritchie would get the moon stone because in the series it actually is blue and turned the girls hair blue

Ok I was going to wait a couple days to post this. However I would like to know what headcanons you would like to see in the new fto dare, ask, interact book.

The is no 100% guarantee that I will use them all, but it'll give me an idea of what to do more.

The demon slayer can't be used or the one with Ritchie missing limbs because I already did that. (Unless it's for a different reason, I may reconsider.)

-November 13,2020-

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